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A Brief History of Wood-engraving/Index

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The Engravings in this book are referred to in italic type

Abbreviations of Latin words, 18
Æsop's Fables (1481), 47
Æsop's Fables (Bewick's), 115
Aldegrever, 88
Aldus Manutius, 45-47
Alphabet, Figure, XV Cent., 25
Altdorfer, Albrecht, 87, 100
Amman, Jost, 88
Anderson, John, 122
Andre, Jerome, 82
Andreani, Andrea, 99
Annunciation, The, 8
Apocalypse, Dürer's, 70
Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis, 17
Ars Memorandi, 11, 26
Ars Moriendi, 11, 20, 26
Battista del Porta, 99
Beham, Hans, 87
Beilby, Ralph, 108,112
Berners, Dame Juliana, 66
Bewick, John, 116
Bewick, Robert, 117
Bewick, Thomas, 108-115
Bible Cuts, Holbein's, 86, 87
Biblia Pauperum, 12-16
Bibliomaniac, The, 38
Block Books of the XV Cent., 11
Blossoms of Morality, 116
Boldrini, Nicolo, 99
Bolton, Thomas, 126
Bonner, George, 82, 102
Booke of Christian Prayers (Q. Elizabeth), 100
Book of Fables (Pfister, 1461), 36
Book of Hours, 55
Book of St. Albans, 66
Borluyt's Figures from New Testament, 96, 97
Bourbon, Nicolas, 93
Brandt's Navis Stultifera, 38
Branston, Robert, 123
Breydenbach's Travels, 35, 37
British Birds, History of (Bewick), 110-115
British Quadrupeds, History of (Bewick), 111, 112
Brosamer, Hans, 88
Bürkner (German engraver), 127
Bullen, Mr. George, 20
Burgkmair, Hans, 69-80
Byfield, John and Mary, 82, 125
Caillaut, Antoine, 60
Canterbury Tales, The, 66
Canticum Canticorum, 11, 23
Casus Luciferi, 30
Caxton, William, 62
Chatto, W. A., 1, 4, 66, 118
Chiar-oscuro, Printing in, 50, 99
Chillingham Bull (Bewick), 111
Christopher, Saint, 6
Clennell, Luke, 118-121
Cole, Mr. Henry, 73
Cole, Timothy, 128
Colines, Simon de, Heures de, 92
Cologne Bible, 33, 36
Colonna, Francesco, 42
Colour Printing in Germany (XVI Cent.), 100
Conway, W. M. (Woodcutters of the Netherlands), 98
Copperplate-Engraving introduced, 98
Coriolano, Bartolommeo, 99
Cranach, Lucas, 69, 88, 100
Croxall's Æsop, 106, 111
Cuningham's Cosmographical Glasse, 102
Curio, Valentine, 81
Dance of Death (1485), 59
Dance of Death (Holbein's), 81-85
Daye, John (Printer), 101-104
Death of the Virgin (Missal), 54
Decameron, The (1492), 48
Dentatus, Death of (engraved by W. Harvey), 121
Dibdin's, Dr., Works, 1
Dienecker (Engraver), 78
Diploma of Highland Society (Clennell), 120
Douce, Francis, 82
Duplessis, M. Georges, 4
Dupré, Jean, 55, 60
Dürer, Albrecht, 69
—— Apocalypse, 70
—— Engravings on Copper, 71
—— Life of the Virgin, 71
—— Passion of Our Lord, 71
—— 'Smaller' Passion, 71, 73
—— Virgin crowned by Angels, 72
Elizabetha Regina (1569), 103
Elizabeth's, Queen, Prayer Book, 102
Emblems of Mortality (1789), 116
Estienne, Robert, 93
Figure Alphabet, The, 24
Flight into Egypt (Jegher's), 105
Foster, Birket, Drawing by, 126
Foxe's Book of Martyrs, 100
Froben, Johann, 81
Froschover, Christoph, 81
Fyshynge with an Angle (1496), 67
Gaber (German Engraver), 127
Game and Playe of the Chesse (Caxton's), 62, 64
German Engravers, 127
Gray, Charles, 125
Green, W. T. (Engraver), 125
Greenaway, J., 125
Gutenberg's Psalter, 34
Harvey, William, 115, 121
Heinecken, Herr, 4, 10
Henry VIII in Council, frontispiece
Heures à l'usaige de Chartres, 52
History of British Birds (Bewick), 110-114
History of Quadrupeds (Bewick), 111, 112
Holbein, Hans, 69, 81-87
—— Alphabet of Dance of Death, 87
—— Bible Cuts (Old Testament), 86, 87
—— Dance of Death, 82-84
—— Society, 20, 21
Holinshed's 'Chronicles of England,' &c., 100
Humphreys, Noel, 55
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1494), 42-44
Illuminated Books of XV Century, 53
Images of Saints, 2
Jackson, John, 122
Jegher, Christoph, of Antwerp, 104
Jewitt, Orlando, 125
Johnson, Robert, 115
Jovius, Paulus, 95
Jungtow, 127
Kalendario (Venice, 1476), 41
Kerver, Thielman, 53, 58, 59
King's Banquet, The, 58
Kirkall, Elisha (1724), 106
Knight, Charles, 122
Landells, Ebenezer, 122
Le Noir (Printers' mark), 60
Le Rouge, 53
Linton, W. J., 1, 5, 106
Lippmann, Dr., 1
Little Masters, The, 87
Livres d'Heures, 57
Looking-glass for the Mind, 116, 117
Lützelburger, Hans, 81, 87
Macault reading his Translation, 94
Macé, Robert, of Caen, 96
Mansion, Colard, of Bruges, 62
Manuzio, Aldo, 45, 46
Marchant, Guyot, 53, 59
Maximilian, Emperor, 69, 74-80
Mazarine Bible, 30
Mer des Histoires, La, 53
Milan, Lives of Dukes of, 95
Metal Blocks, 51
Mirrour of the World (1478), 63
Morris, William, 53, 128
Mulready: Vicar of Wakefield, 125
Nanto, Francesco da, 99
Navis Stultifera (1497), 38
Nesbit, Charlton, 116, 118
Notary, Julian, 68
Nürnberg Chronicle, 36
Palmer, W. J., 126
Papillon, J. M. (French Engraver), 107
Passion of our Lord (Missal), 56
Petit, Jehan, 60
Pigouchet, Philippe, 55
Plantin, Christophe, Antwerp, 96
Playing Cards, 2
Porta, Giuseppe, 90, 91
Porto, Battista del, 99
Powis, W. H. (Engraver), 125
Printers' marks, 60
—— Kerver's, 59
—— Le Noir's, 60
—— Plantin's, 98
—— Pynson's, 68
—— Tory's, Geoffroy, 91
—— Wynkyn de Worde's, 65
Psalter, Gutenberg's, 34
Pynson, Richard, 66
Recueil des Histoires de Troye, 62
Saint Bridget of Sweden, 9
Saint Christopher, 6
Saint Sebastian, 9
Salomon, Bernhard (Petit Bernhard), 95
Schaufelein, Hans, 74
Schongauer, Martin, 56, 57
Scolari, Giuseppe, 99
Select Fables (Bewick), 111
Sessa Brothers, of Venice, 100
Slader, Samuel, 125
Smith, J. Orrin, 125
Somerville's Chase, 117
Sorti di Marcolini (1540), 90, 91
Speculum Salvationis, 11, 29
Terence (Lyons, 1493), 49
Theuredank, Adventures of, 74
Thompson, John, 119, 123, 124
Thurston, John, 118
Tory, Geoffroy, 91, 92, 94, 95
Tournes, Jean de, 95, 96
Trento, Antonio da, 99
Tristan, Romance of, 58
Triumphs of Maximilian, 74-80
—— Triumphal Arch (Dürer), 75, 76
—— Triumphal Car (Dürer), 77
—— Triumphal Procession (Burgkmair), 78, 79
Triumphal entry of Henri II into Lyons, 95
Triumphal entry of Henri II into Paris, 95
Triumphi del Petrarca (1488), 41, 47
Ugo da Carpi, 99
Vecellio, Cesare, 100
Verard, Antoine, 53, 57
Virgil Solis, 88
Virgin with four Saints (1418), 3
Vostre, Simon, 53, 55
Werskunig, 74
Williams, Samuel, 125
Willshire, Dr., 2, 55
Woodbery, Mr., 32
Wood-Engraver, The, x
Wood Engravers (Living), 126
Wynkyn de Worde, 65