A Brief History of Wood-engraving/Index
The Engravings in this book are referred to in italic type
- Abbreviations of Latin words, 18
- Æsop's Fables (1481), 47
- Æsop's Fables (Bewick's), 115
- Aldegrever, 88
- Aldus Manutius, 45-47
- Alphabet, Figure, XV Cent., 25
- Altdorfer, Albrecht, 87, 100
- Amman, Jost, 88
- Anderson, John, 122
- Andre, Jerome, 82
- Andreani, Andrea, 99
- Annunciation, The, 8
- Apocalypse, Dürer's, 70
- Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis, 17
- Ars Memorandi, 11, 26
- Ars Moriendi, 11, 20, 26
- Battista del Porta, 99
- Beham, Hans, 87
- Beilby, Ralph, 108,112
- Berners, Dame Juliana, 66
- Bewick, John, 116
- Bewick, Robert, 117
- Bewick, Thomas, 108-115
- Bible Cuts, Holbein's, 86, 87
- Biblia Pauperum, 12-16
- Bibliomaniac, The, 38
- Block Books of the XV Cent., 11
- Blossoms of Morality, 116
- Boldrini, Nicolo, 99
- Bolton, Thomas, 126
- Bonner, George, 82, 102
- Booke of Christian Prayers (Q. Elizabeth), 100
- Book of Fables (Pfister, 1461), 36
- Book of Hours, 55
- Book of St. Albans, 66
- Borluyt's Figures from New Testament, 96, 97
- Bourbon, Nicolas, 93
- Brandt's Navis Stultifera, 38
- Branston, Robert, 123
- Breydenbach's Travels, 35, 37
- British Birds, History of (Bewick), 110-115
- British Quadrupeds, History of (Bewick), 111, 112
- Brosamer, Hans, 88
- Bürkner (German engraver), 127
- Bullen, Mr. George, 20
- Burgkmair, Hans, 69-80
- Byfield, John and Mary, 82, 125
- Caillaut, Antoine, 60
- Canterbury Tales, The, 66
- Canticum Canticorum, 11, 23
- Casus Luciferi, 30
- Caxton, William, 62
- Chatto, W. A., 1, 4, 66, 118
- Chiar-oscuro, Printing in, 50, 99
- Chillingham Bull (Bewick), 111
- Christopher, Saint, 6
- Clennell, Luke, 118-121
- Cole, Mr. Henry, 73
- Cole, Timothy, 128
- Colines, Simon de, Heures de, 92
- Cologne Bible, 33, 36
- Colonna, Francesco, 42
- Colour Printing in Germany (XVI Cent.), 100
- Conway, W. M. (Woodcutters of the Netherlands), 98
- Copperplate-Engraving introduced, 98
- Coriolano, Bartolommeo, 99
- Cranach, Lucas, 69, 88, 100
- Croxall's Æsop, 106, 111
- Cuningham's Cosmographical Glasse, 102
- Curio, Valentine, 81
- Dance of Death (1485), 59
- Dance of Death (Holbein's), 81-85
- Daye, John (Printer), 101-104
- Death of the Virgin (Missal), 54
- Decameron, The (1492), 48
- Dentatus, Death of (engraved by W. Harvey), 121
- Dibdin's, Dr., Works, 1
- Dienecker (Engraver), 78
- Diploma of Highland Society (Clennell), 120
- Douce, Francis, 82
- Duplessis, M. Georges, 4
- Dupré, Jean, 55, 60
- Dürer, Albrecht, 69
- —— Apocalypse, 70
- —— Engravings on Copper, 71
- —— Life of the Virgin, 71
- —— Passion of Our Lord, 71
- —— 'Smaller' Passion, 71, 73
- —— Virgin crowned by Angels, 72
- Elizabetha Regina (1569), 103
- Elizabeth's, Queen, Prayer Book, 102
- Emblems of Mortality (1789), 116
- Estienne, Robert, 93
- Figure Alphabet, The, 24
- Flight into Egypt (Jegher's), 105
- Foster, Birket, Drawing by, 126
- Foxe's Book of Martyrs, 100
- Froben, Johann, 81
- Froschover, Christoph, 81
- Fyshynge with an Angle (1496), 67
- Gaber (German Engraver), 127
- Game and Playe of the Chesse (Caxton's), 62, 64
- German Engravers, 127
- Gray, Charles, 125
- Green, W. T. (Engraver), 125
- Greenaway, J., 125
- Gutenberg's Psalter, 34
- Harvey, William, 115, 121
- Heinecken, Herr, 4, 10
- Henry VIII in Council, frontispiece
- Heures à l'usaige de Chartres, 52
- History of British Birds (Bewick), 110-114
- History of Quadrupeds (Bewick), 111, 112
- Holbein, Hans, 69, 81-87
- —— Alphabet of Dance of Death, 87
- —— Bible Cuts (Old Testament), 86, 87
- —— Dance of Death, 82-84
- —— Society, 20, 21
- Holinshed's 'Chronicles of England,' &c., 100
- Humphreys, Noel, 55
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1494), 42-44
- Jackson, John, 122
- Jegher, Christoph, of Antwerp, 104
- Jewitt, Orlando, 125
- Johnson, Robert, 115
- Jovius, Paulus, 95
- Jungtow, 127
- Kalendario (Venice, 1476), 41
- Kerver, Thielman, 53, 58, 59
- King's Banquet, The, 58
- Kirkall, Elisha (1724), 106
- Knight, Charles, 122
- Landells, Ebenezer, 122
- Le Noir (Printers' mark), 60
- Le Rouge, 53
- Linton, W. J., 1, 5, 106
- Lippmann, Dr., 1
- Little Masters, The, 87
- Livres d'Heures, 57
- Looking-glass for the Mind, 116, 117
- Lützelburger, Hans, 81, 87
- Macault reading his Translation, 94
- Macé, Robert, of Caen, 96
- Mansion, Colard, of Bruges, 62
- Manuzio, Aldo, 45, 46
- Marchant, Guyot, 53, 59
- Maximilian, Emperor, 69, 74-80
- Mazarine Bible, 30
- Mer des Histoires, La, 53
- Milan, Lives of Dukes of, 95
- Metal Blocks, 51
- Mirrour of the World (1478), 63
- Morris, William, 53, 128
- Mulready: Vicar of Wakefield, 125
- Nanto, Francesco da, 99
- Navis Stultifera (1497), 38
- Nesbit, Charlton, 116, 118
- Notary, Julian, 68
- Nürnberg Chronicle, 36
- Palmer, W. J., 126
- Papillon, J. M. (French Engraver), 107
- Passion of our Lord (Missal), 56
- Petit, Jehan, 60
- Pigouchet, Philippe, 55
- Plantin, Christophe, Antwerp, 96
- Playing Cards, 2
- Porta, Giuseppe, 90, 91
- Porto, Battista del, 99
- Powis, W. H. (Engraver), 125
- Printers' marks, 60
- —— Kerver's, 59
- —— Le Noir's, 60
- —— Plantin's, 98
- —— Pynson's, 68
- —— Tory's, Geoffroy, 91
- —— Wynkyn de Worde's, 65
- Psalter, Gutenberg's, 34
- Pynson, Richard, 66
- Recueil des Histoires de Troye, 62
- Saint Bridget of Sweden, 9
- Saint Christopher, 6
- Saint Sebastian, 9
- Salomon, Bernhard (Petit Bernhard), 95
- Schaufelein, Hans, 74
- Schongauer, Martin, 56, 57
- Scolari, Giuseppe, 99
- Select Fables (Bewick), 111
- Sessa Brothers, of Venice, 100
- Slader, Samuel, 125
- Smith, J. Orrin, 125
- Somerville's Chase, 117
- Sorti di Marcolini (1540), 90, 91
- Speculum Salvationis, 11, 29
- Terence (Lyons, 1493), 49
- Theuredank, Adventures of, 74
- Thompson, John, 119, 123, 124
- Thurston, John, 118
- Tory, Geoffroy, 91, 92, 94, 95
- Tournes, Jean de, 95, 96
- Trento, Antonio da, 99
- Tristan, Romance of, 58
- Triumphs of Maximilian, 74-80
- —— Triumphal Arch (Dürer), 75, 76
- —— Triumphal Car (Dürer), 77
- —— Triumphal Procession (Burgkmair), 78, 79
- Triumphal entry of Henri II into Lyons, 95
- Triumphal entry of Henri II into Paris, 95
- Triumphi del Petrarca (1488), 41, 47
- Ugo da Carpi, 99