A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád'/Chapter 2
II.—The Meccans or the Koreish.
- 7. A Koreish chieftain commits a raid near Medina, A.H.
- 8. The Koreish march to attack Medina. Battle of Badr
- 9. Attack by Abu Sofian upon Medina, A.H.
- 10. Battle of Ohad
- 11. Mohammad's prestige affected by the defeat
- 12. Abu Sofian threatened the Moslems with another attack next year
- 13. The Koreish again attack Medina with a large army. Mohammad defends the city. The enemy retire. A.H.
- 14. Mohammad with his followers advanced to perform the lesser pilgrimage of Mecca. The Koreish oppose Mohammad, who return disappointed. The treaty of Hodeibia
- 15. Violation of the treaty by the Koreish and their submission
- 16. Two other tribes assume the offensive