A New and Improved System of Mnemonics/Preface
THE Author is too sensible of the difficulties of his present undertaking to expect he shall be able to afford satisfaction to every class. of readers, unless they have been in some measure predisposed to studies of the nature of which the following treatise consists, and have already some taste for the science. To such he ventures to appeal, but with diffidence, trusting he has at last accomplished something towards his favourite object of rendering the improvement of the Memory of easier attainment. On the other hand, with respect to those who have not turned their attention to the subject, he is not without hope that even they may be induced to investigate its general utility; and, finally, that a system, pregnant with so many advantages, may obtain a more extensive diffusion in society. His labours are therefore submitted to the judgment of the public, confiding in their liberality and candour. It may be remarked here, that the system of Fainaigle, already known, to many appears complex and intricate; though it may be fairly inferred that those who have drawn so hasty a conclusion, may have been deficient in point of industry. It may also be remarked, that Hieroglyphics, of which the unlearned at first sight think so lightly, are adopted in various other branches of Science, to say nothing of their having been the media or frame-work whereby Ideas were communicated before letters were brought into use. It must be confessed that this delightful and well-combined scheme is yet in its infancy; and this, too, notwithstanding the attention paid to it by learned men in all ages and countries, and the numerous Treatises that have appeared within the three last centuries, from various hands: but the more modern and most valuable appears to be Rombereli's work, published at Venice (1563). If it be true what Somner has said of Schenkel's publication, (1610,) now unfortunately lost to the world, and originally confined to the narrow circle of his own pupils, (and the authorities in support of his assertions are both numerous and respectable,) then, indeed, at one time it had arrived to its utmost height of improvement. Among the celebrated writers who have ably digested the powers of the Mind and Memory, none have surpassed the amiable and venerable Dr. Watts. It would he a sort of plagiarism to discuss the subject after him; the reader is therefore referred at once to that part of his almost invaluable Treatise—the Improvement of the Mind, which enters so copiously into the nature of the Mes mory, and the association of remote Ideas collected by the power of Memory—for by such association Memory may be rendered completely retentive. The Symbols employed in this work are the permanent exciting causes: whatever shall be associated with those causes, will press upon the mind in rapid succession. We might swell our little work to a large size by expatiating upon the benefits to be derived from an enlarged Memory, and might quote such authors as Bacon, Raleigh, and Locke, more particularly; but as our professed aim is brevity and perspicuity, we shall content ourselves with precepts adapted to practical use. Professor Porson, who could at will recite any passage from the Greek poets, thus speaks:—"I "never remember any thing but what I transcribe "three times, or read over six times at the least; and "if you will do the same, you will have as good a "memory."
The mere reading six times over, however, without due study and application, can be but a waste of time. Reflection, judgment, and taste, are concomitant requisites. "By locality," says Dr. Watts, we may remember many things, and many things "are brought to our recollection by place." Suppose, for instance, in the fifth Room in your House, (beginning at the top,) you place Henry VIII. and his wives by the fire-place—opposite to whom you place two well-known females, Mary and Elizabeth; you may imagine the wives are complaining to them of Harry's conduct; then, adding 1000 to the number of the room, you have at once Henry VIII, Mary, and Elizabeth, who all reigned in the fifteenth contury. Can this be easily forgotten?
The great use of Mnemonics in Figures, Chronology, History, Systematic Tables, Geography, and Prose and Poetry, will be fully exemplified in as familiar and brief a manner as is consistent with the nature of the subject; so that no one can have any reasonable plea for remaining unacquainted with this delectable study. Let the supine and the idle, to whom alone study is alike revolting, treat with indifference a subject which will afford a source of delight to the man of taste and genius.
It may now be proper to point out the advantages which this system possesses over others:—
First, The 100 Symbols being concentrated in one point of view, and which, independent of its simplicity, will be found greatly to facilitate the study of History, for which we require only one Room instead of eighteen. (Modern History.)
2dly, The primary Signs, the Decades or Tens, serving as indexes to the Series', every Decade commencing a new Series—localised.
3dly, The Consonants composing the common Numerals, also being the initials of the first nine Symbols in the order of arithmetical rotation, and standing in their regular order in the alphabet, and not requiring two or three pages to exhibit a far-fetched comparison between them and the figures they represent.
4thly, The abbreviations being both more numerous and of greater power. The advantage of employing Vowels as the cement of words is great, and we need only refer to Dr. Grey's Memoria Technica for a proof.
And now, Reader, having introduced the subject to your notice, I leave the whole to your own good sense and candour, requesting patient attention; from which you will experience a rapid improvement, whereby your[1] imagination will be invigorated, and your memory exercised—benefited and enriched.
- ↑ An intelligent friend of mine lately told me, that, had he known this science at a time he was under the direction of an eminent architect, it would have been of infinite use to him in the acquirement of that art. This system inducing, if pursued, the active exercise of the imagination, so absolutely necessary in that profession.