Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Pulaski, Count Casimir
PULASKI, COUNT CASIMIR, a Polish patriot and military officer, who participated in the war of the American Revolution; born in 1748. His father, a Polish nobleman, and his brothers were killed fighting against Russia for the liberty of Poland. Casimir escaped to Turkey, whence he proceeded by way of France to join the Americans, then fighting for independence, bearing recommendations from Franklin to Washington, whom he joined in 1777. Entering as a volunteer, he so distinguished himself at the battle of Brandywine as to be promoted by Congress to a cavalry command, with the rank of Brigadier-General. He afterward organized an independent corps of cavalry and light infantry, with which he rendered effectual service under General Lincoln, in South Carolina, in 1779, and in the siege of Savannah, Ga., where, in an assault on the latter place, he was mortally wounded. He died in 1779.