- Ochre
- Ochs, Adolph S.
- Ochtman, Leonard
- Oclawaha
- Ocmulgee
- Oconee
- O'Connell, Daniel
- O'Connell, Dennis Joseph
- O'Connell, William Henry, Cardinal
- ...
- Offa
- Offa's Dyke
- Offenbach
- Offenbach, Jacques
- Office Buildings
- Ogden
- Ogden, Robert Curtis
- Ogden, Robert Morris
- Ogden, Rollo
- Ogdensburg
- Ogeechee
- Ogg, Frederick Austin
- Oglesby, Richard James
- Oglethorpe, Fort
- Oglethorpe University
- Oglio
- O'Gorman, James Aloysius
- O'Gorman, Thomas
- Ogowé
- Ogyges
- O'Hara, Theodore
- O'Higgins
- O'Higgins, Harvey J.
- Ohio (State)
- Ohio (river)
- Ohio, Army of the
- Ohio Northern University
- Ohio, University of
- Ohio Wesleyan University
- Ohm
- Ohm's Law
- Ohnet, Georges
- Oil Cake
- Oil City
- Oilcloth
- Oil Gas
- Oil of Vitriol
- Oil Pipe Lines
- Ointment
- Oise
- Oka
- Okeechobee Lake
- Okhotsk, Sea of
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College
- Oklahoma City
- Oklahoma, University of
- Okmulgee
- Oku, Yasukata, Count
- Okuma, Count
- ...
- Olney, Richard
- Olonetz
- Oltenitza
- Olustee
- Olympia (Greece)
- Olympia (Washington)
- Olympiad
- Olympic Games
- Olympus
- Olyphant
- Omagh
- Omaha
- Omaha, University of
- Omahas
- Oman
- Oman, Charles William Chadwick
- ...
- Ordnance
- Ordovician
- Ordway, Samuel Hanson
- Ore
- Oreads
- Ore Deposits
- Oregon
- Oregon Agricultural College
- Oregon, University of
- O'Reilly, Charles J.
- O'Reilly, James
- O'Reilly, John Boyle
- O'Reilly, Peter J.
- Orel (government)
- ...
- Orthoptera
- Ortler-Spitze
- Ortolan
- Orton, Edward, Jr.
- Ortyx
- Oruro
- Orvieto
- ...
- Ossification
- Ossining
- Ossoli, Marchioness d', Sarah Margaret Fuller
- Ostend
- ...
- Paris, Declaration of
- Paris, Treaties of
- Paris, University of
- Paris Green
- Parish
- Park
- Park, Mungo
- Park, National Military
- Parker, Alton Brooks
- Parker, Edward Melville
- Parker, Gilbert
- Parker, Herschel Clifford
- Parker, Horatio William
- Parker, Joseph
- Parker, Louis Napoleon
- Parker, Matthew
- Parker, Theodore
- Parker, Willard
- Parkersburg
- ...
- Patriarch
- Patricia
- Patrician
- Patrick, Mary Mills
- Patrick, St.
- Patriotic Societies
- Patroclus
- Pattee, Fred Lewis
- Patton, Simon Nelson
- Patteson, John Coleridge
- Patti, Adelina Maria Clorinda
- ...
- Payne, William Morton
- Pea
- Peabody
- Peabody, George
- Peabody, George Foster
- Peabody, Josephine Preston
- Peace Movement, The
- Peace Treaty
- Peach
- Peacock
- ...
- Peacock, Thomas Love
- Peacock Butterfly
- Peale, Rembrandt
- Peanut
- Peanut Oil
- Pear
- Pearce, William
- Pea Ridge
- Pearl
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearly nautilus
- Pearson, Sir Arthur
- Pearson, Karl
- Peary Land
- Peary, Robert Edwin
- Peasants' War
- Peat
- Peattie, Elia Wilkinson
- Peba
- ...
- Penal Servitude
- Penance
- Penang
- Penates
- Pencil
- Pendant
- Pendleton
- Pendulum
- Penelope
- Penfield, Edward
- Penfield, Frederic Courtland
- Penguin
- Penicillium
- Peninsula
- Peninsular War
- Penitentiary (prison)
- Penitentiary (Roman Curia)
- Penn, William
- Pennant
- Pennell, Mrs. Elizabeth (Robins)
- Pennell, Joseph
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania College
- Pennsylvania College for Women
- Pennsylvania Dutch
- Pennsylvania State College
- Pennsylvania, University of
- Penny
- Pennypacker, Samuel Whitaker
- Pennyroyal
- Pennyweight
- Pennywort
- Penobscot
- Penology
- Penrhyn Islands
- Penrith
- Penrose, Boies
- ...
- Penzance
- Peonage
- Peony
- Peoria
- Pepin
- Pepin, The Short
- Pepper, George Wharton
- Pepper, William
- Pepper
- ...
- Peter's Pence
- Peter the Cruel
- Peter the Hermit
- Peterwarden
- Petiole
- Petition
- Petition of Right
- Petlura, Simon
- Petra
- Petrarch, Francesco Petrarca
- ...
- Phidias
- Phigalia
- Philadelphia
- Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences
- Philadelphians
- ...
- Philip I., The Magnanimous
- Philiphaugh
- Philippa, Queen
- Philippeville
- Philippi
- Philippian
- Philippic
- Philippine Islands
- Philippium
- Philippopolis
- Philistines
- Phillips, David Graham
- Phillips, Stephen
- ...
- Phocis
- Phœbus
- Phœnicia
- Phœnix
- Phoenix
- Phoenixville
- Pholas
- Phonetic
- Phonograph
- Phonography
- Phosgene
- Phosphate
- Phosphorescence
- Phosphoric Acid
- Phosphorite
- Phosphorous Acid
- Phosphorous
- Photochemistry
- ...
- Picts
- Picul
- Piedmont
- Pier
- Pierce, Franklin
- Pierpont, John
- Pierre
- Pierrepont, Edwards
- Pierrot
- ...
- Pitcairn
- Pitcairn Island
- Pitch
- Pitchblende
- Pith
- Pithecanthropus Erectus
- Pitman, Benn
- Pitman, Sir Isaac
- Pitney, Mahlon
- ...
- Pittacus
- Pittman, Key
- Pittsburg
- Pittsburgh
- Pittsburgh, University of
- Pittsfield
- Pittston
- Pituitary Body
- Pit Villages
- Piura
- Pius
- ...
- Playfair, Sir Lyon
- Playgrounds and Recreational Centers
- Plea
- Pleading
- Plebeians
- Pledge
- ...
- Poaching
- Pobedonostev, Konstantin Petrovich
- Pocahontas
- Pocatello
- Podesta
- Podiebrad, George Boczko
- Podolia
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Poelcapelle
- Poet Laureate
- Poetry
- ...
- Political Science
- Polk, Frank Lyon
- Polk, James Knox
- Polk, Leonidas
- Polka
- Pollack
- Pollan
- Pollard
- Pollard, Albert Frederic
- Pollen
- Pollio, Caius Asinius
- Pollock
- ...
- Porter
- Porter, David
- Porter, Fitz-John
- Porter, Robert P.
- Porter, Sidney William
- Port Huron
- Portici
- Portico
- Port Jervis
- Portland (Maine)
- Portland (Oregon)
- Portland Beds
- Portland Cement
- Portland, Isle of
- Port Louis
- Port Mahon
- Porto Alegre
- Portobelo
- Porto Maggiore
- ...
- Porto Rico
- Port Said
- ...
- Postage Stamps
- Postal Savings-Banks
- Postal Service
- Posters
- Post Glacial
- Post-Impressionism
- Posting
- ...
- Primogeniture
- Primrose
- Primrose League
- Primulaceæ
- Prince
- Prince, John Dyneley
- Prince Edward Island
- Princeite
- Prince of Wales
- Prince of Wales Island
- Princes Islands
- Princeton
- Princeton Theological Seminary
- Princeton University
- Princip, Gavrilo
- Principal
- Principal and Agent
- Pringle, Thomas
- Printing
- Prior
- Prior, Matthew
- Pripet Marshes
- ...
- Proverb
- Proverbs of Solomon
- Providence
- Provisional Order
- ...
- Pudding Stone
- Pudukkottai
- Puebla
- Pueblo
- Pueblos
- Puerperal Fever
- Puerto Cabello
- Puerto de Santa Maria
- Puerto Plata
- Puerto Principe
- ...
- Pugilism
- Puisne
- Pulaski, Count Casimir
- Pulitzer, Joseph
- Pulkowa
- Pulley
- Pullman, George Mortimer
- Pulmobranchiata
- Pulmotor
- ...
- Pustule
- Putchock
- Puteaux
- Putnam
- Putnam, Frederick Ward
- Putnam, George Haven
- Putnam, George Palmer
- Putnam, Herbert
- Putnam, Israel
- Putnam, William Le Baron
- Putnam, Fort
- Putney
- ...
- Queensland
- Queen’s Metal
- Queen’s Pigeon
- ...
- Quetta
- Quetzalcoatl
- ...
- Ragusa
- Ragwort
- Rahu
- Rahway
- Raian M/eris
- Raiatea
- Rai Bareli
- Raiidae
- Raikes, Robert
- Rail
- Rail Wagon
- Railway Brotherhoods
- Railways
- Raimondi, Marcantonio
- Rain
- Rainbird
- Rainbow
- Raines Liquor Law
- Rain Gauge
- Rainier, Mount
- Rain Prints
- Rainsford, William Stephen
- Rain Tree
- Rainy Lake
- Raisin River
- Raisins
- Rajah
- Rajamahendri
- Rajmahal
- Rajputana
- Rake
- Rakoczy March
- Rakshasas
- Rale
- Raleigh
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Rallentando
- Ralph, James
- Ralph, Julian
- Ram
- Ramadan
- Rámáyana
- Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas
- Rambouillet, Catherine de Vivonne, Marquise de
- Rameau, Jean Philippe
- Ramée, Louise de la
- Rameses
- ...
- Real Composition
- Realf, Richard
- Realgar
- Realism
- Real Presence
- Real schools
- Ream
- Reaping Hook
- Reaping Machine
- Reason
- ...
- Rennie, George
- Rennie, John
- Reno
- ...
- Resina
- Resist
- Resistance
- Res Judicata
- Resolution
- Resonance
- Resonator
- Resorcin