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Latin for beginners (1911)/Part II/Lesson XLI

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3127612Latin for beginners (1911) — Lesson XLIBenjamin Leonard D'Ooge



238. Neuter consonant stems add no termination in the nominative and arc declined as follows :

flūmen, n., river tempus, n., time opus, n., work caput, n., head
Bases or
flūmin- tempor- oper- capit-
Singular terminations
Nom. flūmen tempus opus caput
Gen. flūminis temporis operis capitis -is -is
Dat. flūminī temporī operī capitī
Acc. flūmen tempus opus caput
Abl. flūmine tempore opere capite -e
Nom. flūmina tempora opera capita -a
Gen. flūminum temporum operum capitum -um
Dat. flūminibus temporibus operibus capitibus -ibus
Acc. flūmina tempora opera capita -a
Abl. flūminibus temporibus operibus capitibus -ibus
  1. Review § 74 and apply the rules to this declension.
  2. Bases or stems in -in- have -e- instead of -i- in the nominative, as flūmen, base or stem flūmin-.
  3. Most bases or stems in -er- and -or- have -us I.the nominative, as opus, base or stem oper-; tempus, base or stem tempor-.



First learn the special vocabulary, p. 292.


  1. Barbarī ubi Rōmam cēpērunt, maxima rēgum opera dēlēvērunt.
  2. Rōmānī multās calamitātēs ā barbarīs accēpērunt.
  3. Ubi erat summus terror apud oppidānōs, animī dubiī eōrum ab ōrātōre clarō cōnfīrmāti sunt.
  4. Rōma est in rīpīs fiūminis magnī.
  5. Ubi Caesar imperātor mīlitēs suōs arma capere iussit, iī ā proeliō continērī nōn potuērunt.
  6. Ubi proelium factum est, imperātor reperīrī nōn potuit.
  7. Imperātor sagittā in capite vulnerātus erat et stāre nōn poterat.
  8. Eum magnō labōre pedes ex proeliō portāvit.
  9. Is bracchiīs suīs imperātōrem tenuit et eum ex perīculīs summīs servāvit.
  10. Virtūte suā bonus mīles ab imperātōre corōnam accēpit.


  1. The consul placed a crown on the head of the victor.
  2. Before the gates he was received by the townsmen.
  3. A famous orator praised him and said, “By your labors you have saved the fatherland from disaster.”
  4. The words of the orator were pleasing to the victor.
  5. To save the fatherland was a great task.


