Notable South Australians/Henry Evans, J.P.
Henry Evans, J.P.,
WAS connected by marriage with the family of the late George Fife Angas Esq., and in the district of Angaston he was highly respected; his genial nature and generous liberality winning for him general esteem. He rendered great assistance at times to numbers of residents of Angaston by his skill in the art of medicine, to which he had devoted considerable study with no small success. The estate of Evandale was laid out by Mr. Evans, and proved very fruitful; it also gained a high reputation for the production of first-class wines, which were greatly appreciated in Europe. He arrived in this colony with his family, and accompanied by Mr. J. H. Angas, in the "Madras," on Sept. 12, 1843. On Nov. 3, in the same year, the foundation stone of the Angaston Chapel was laid by Mrs. Evans, and Mr. Evans himself delivered an address on the occasion. Much of the prosperity of Angaston in its early history is due to the efforts of this worthy man, and his amiable partner, and he lived sufficiently long enough to see it a thriving and important township. Mr. Evans died at Evandale, on April 14, 1868, aged 56 years.