Notable South Australians/Lieutenant Michael Stewart Guy, R.N.
Lieutenant Michael Stewart Guy, R.N.,
JOINED the Navy at fourteen years of age; served in the "Rodney" and "Stromboli" in the Black Sea and Sea of Azoph during the Crimean War, and was present at the taking of Kertch and bombardment of Sebastopol. He was afterwards engaged in marine surveying in the Hebrides. Lieutenant Guy arrived in Tasmania in 1861, and was there employed under Commander Brooker, and in Sydney under Commander Sydney. He arrived in this colony in 1866, and was associated with Captain Hutchinson in marine surveys on the coast. He was in the "Beatrice," when she made her first trip to the Northern Territory. Exposure and hardships endured in that locality hastened his end, and brought his useful career to a close at North Adelaide, on July 4, 1869, in his 29th year. Military honours were accorded by the citizens at his funeral.