Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 21/Number 1/Documentary
Edited by ROBERT MOULTON GATKE, A. B., Graduate Fellow in Oregon History, Willamette University.
Letters hold no small place among our best historical sources. To read what a man says under conditions demand- ing accuracy in expression and yet free from the restraint of a self-consciousness resulting from the expectation of his writings being published, is indeed to get very near his real motives and opinions, especially as the passage of years have not allowed events to become unduly colored by later opinions and information. We get as close to history in the making as we are ever able to get. We do not secure information which has been brought forth by the suggestive question of the investigator but by the circumstances of the day which pro- duced the letter, hence their great value. Often the incidental reference to things of apparently slight importance opens for us a straight passage way into the very heart and spirit of the day we are seeking to understand.
The letters of Rev. William M. Roberts are splendid examples of what letters can show us of the period in which they were written. They were written by a man who was a keen observer, and usually directed to men whom he felt must be made to understand Oregon as he saw it. They are the product of a man who was himself one of the molding factors in the State's development as the leader of one of the great formitive forces of our State the Methodist Mission. Our regret upon reading the Roberts letters is that they are so few in number, and cover such a limited period, mainly 1847- '49. Most of his papers were destroyed by his surviving relatives
who considered them to be merely personal papers which should not concern the public. The only reason the present group escaped a like fate was owing to the fact that the signed copies had been written in a large letter book, bound in heavy leather which Mr. Roberts kept with his library, and hence passed with his other books, into the possession of Willamette University.
Before letting the letters speak for themselves, it may be well to remind ourselves, in just a word or two, concerning the position of Roberts in Oregon history. As the third Super- intendent of the Oregon Mission between the years of 1847 and 1849, Mr. Roberts directed the newly founded church through the danger period of the Indian troubles and the mad rush for California at the time of the Gold Discovery. He organized the Oregon-California Mission Conference of the Methodist Church, and exercised a wise control over the newly established church in California as well as in Oregon. When the Mission Conference was formally organized into two Annual Conferences (1852) Roberts continued his work as an aggressive pioneer minister. His position, ability and interest gave him a marked influence in the civic and educa- tional life of the new country, as well as its religious life, so we find his influence touching many phases of Early Oregon History.
This leader of Early Oregon was born in Burlington, N. J., in 1812, was city reared and educated, and entered the Methodist Ministry in the Philadelphia Conference in 1834. His early pulpit work marked him as a man destined to become a leader in his church. In 1846 he was appointed to succeed Dr. George Gary as Superintendent of the Oregon Mission, and reached Oregon in June, 1847. The William Roberts best remembered was as he appeared in later years, but a description given of him by an associate of his earlier years will serve to bring to mind his appearance at the time he wrote the letters now before us: "He was thirty- four
years of age ; a very Chesterfield in appearance and manners, and yet as affable and approachable to the lowly as to the exalted. In the pulpit his elocution was nearly faultless, and his sermons were thoroughly evangelical and charmingly eloquent. He was energetic in execution. Though not a large man, and yet not a small one, physically, when he entered upon his work here, his figure and poise drew the instant attention of the passerby, and introduced him to the favorable regards of the people at once."
The long and useful career of the Rev. William M. Roberts closed August 22, 1888, at the home of his later years, in Dayton, Oregon.
Oregon City Deer 18th 1847 To Rev. Dr. Pitman Cor. Secy ) Miss'y Soc'y of the M. E. Church) Dear Bro.
Afo unexpected event has just transpired in this territory, which at once furnished the occasion and means of communi- cation with the United States. It is the melancholy fact that Dr. Whitman and wife and nine other persons have been cruelly murdered at Waiilatpu.
It is generally known that for several years past the Ameri- can Board has had three Mission Stations in the upper country. One at Tshimakains, where the Rev. Messrs Walker and Eells are located. Another at Clear Water under the care of Rev. Mr. Spaulding : And a third at Waiilatpu, under the Superintendence of Dr. Marcus Whitman, Physician and catechist. This last station is near Fort Walla Walla, and not far from the travelled route from the United States to this Country. In fact many of the Emigrants stop at this place for a time after their toilsome journey and some who are too late or feeble to get in the Walamet Valley, remain there all winter. The Indians in this vicinity, are chiefly, the Cayuses who since the Establishment of the Mission, have become wealthy in cattle and horses and have macle consider- able progress in the tillage of the soil. All the reports I have had from them by the Emigrants of the present season seem
to represent them as much less troublesome than other Indians on the route, seldom condescending- to the petty thefts which are so characteristic of Indians everywhere. It has so happened that the Emigrants have brought the Measles with them into this country, the present season, and of course the Cayuse Indians among the rest have caught the Contagion: numbers of them have died and in labouring to minister to the sick and dying, Dr. Whitman has lost his life. The accompanying letters in the Oregon Spectator* will shew you the horrible suspicion which entered their minds that he was secretly attempting to poison them and they at once resolved upon his destruction. I refer you to the documents in question for the particulars of this horrid massacre. They contain all the information we have up to this moment.
My acquaintance with Dr. Whitman has been limited of course, but I have recognized in him a deeply pious and indefat- igable labourer in the missionary field with a heart over- flow- ing with sympathy for the perishing Indian race, he has been assiduously labouring for years to improve their condition: And now while standing manfully at his post, he has fallen by the hand of savage violence. I desire here for myself and my brethren members of our Mission to express our deepest Christian sympathies both to his friends in the States and the Board under whose auspices he was labouring, in view of this afflictive event. The heart of this whole community at this moment throbs with emotion at the intelligence.
Nor is this all that is to be feared. The Indians threatened to go to Clear Water and to the Dalls to murder the residents in those places. The most efficient measures in our power have been adopted to send relief. A company of more than 40 have volunteered and gone to the Dalls to hold that place until a larger force can be raised and sent to the upper Country to bring away the women and children who may yet be alive, and proceed to the residences of Messres Spalding, Walker, and Eells, whose situation if they are yet alive must be iminently perilous.
Perhaps I ought to have said before this time that with the exception of Mrs. Whitman the Indians decided to spare the women and children.
The Legislature of the territory is now in session in this
- Published at Oregon City 1846-1855.
city and is a very respectable body : Greatly perplexed how- ever, with the present aspect of Indian affairs. If the cayuses have succeeded in drawing the Walla Walla and Nez Perce Indians into hostile measures against the whites, we are involved in a most serious and embarrasing war which this Country has no means to sustain. Application has been made by Commrs. (commissioners) appointed for the purpose, To the Hudson's Bay Com'y for a loan but the Chief Factor* replied that the instructions of the Company would not allow him to make such appropriation.
A public meeting of the Citizens was then called and such were the exigencies of the case that it was regarded as indis- pensable for me to furnish aid to the amount of $1000. I stedfastly resisted all applications until I became convinced that the circumstances would not only justify but really demanded compliance. How far I can make the funds here available for this purpose I cannot at this moment tell, but think it probable that nothing short of a Draft will answer the purpose. But the lives of my fellow labourers in the mission field are at stake and immediate relief must be furnished. The investment doubtless is perfectly secure, and amts. only to a temporary loan payable in silver in this country. I would not omit to mention that immediately on the receipt of the afflictive intelligence here derailed Mr. Ogden of Fort Vancouver with a party of 20 men proceeded to Fort Walla Walla to afford all the relief in his power and intelligence has just been rec'd by an Indian from the Dalls that all was well there up to Monday the 18th Inst.
The Cayuses came to the DeShutes river and put a "medican man" to death and then retired without doing further damage. You will by this time percieve that the failure of the American Gov. to send its laws for our control, and its troops for the protection of its own citizens as they approach our exposed border is a great calamity. The Mexican war may (explain) but cannot justify the failure. Many thousand dollars worth of property havce been stolen from the Emigrants this season along the route, and as you see several valuable lives lost simply for the want of from 20 to 100 men stationed at proper points along the road to prevent Indian aggressions. Had the Act of the twenty ninth Con-
- James Douglas
gress "to provide for raising a regiment of mounted riflemen and for establishing Military stations on the route to Oregon" only been carried into effect, the Battle at the Dalls and the Massacre at Waiilatpu would not have happened : and many a toil worn emigrant who has come in sick and penniless, a little pilfered from him here and there until his all was gone might have had a competence : at least until he had recovered from the fatigues of the journey through that great and terrible wilderness.
The emigration of the present season is computed at from 4 to 5 thousand, the principal part of which crossed the Cascade mountains over Barlow's road: 1 soon after the rains commenced, that road became impassable and those on the northern route, were compelled to come down the Columbia river. Several companies have come in the southern route with safety, and the hope is entertained that future emigra- tions will so divide themselves on the several routes as to have an abundance of grass for their cattle. We are recieving many valuable accessions to our Membership from the states the present season: and have been blest with quite a (number) of conversions, mainly on the West Side of the Walamet river. Two weeks later I could furnish you with statistics. But the special messenger 2 to the States is expected to start in a few hours and my communication must be closed. In previous letters I have spoken of the transfer of the Dalls Station into the hands of Dr. Whitman according to Bro. Gary's 3 arrange- ment, giving him all except the moveable property, the value of which is about $600. Bro. Waller is stationed at the Insti- tute 4 and Bro. Brewer's connextion with the mission has ceased. You will of course expect me to say if the recent disaster will in any way affect the prosperity of our Mission or the safety of the Missionaries, I think not. It may prevent some of my excursions among the Indians another season and certainly does seem to darken the prospect of doing any good to them whatever. But I (plan) to enter every open- door, and occupy until the master shall come. Whether it (be) by natural neath, or Indian Massacre, or a chariot of fire. We are all well as usual My Indian Boy is just recovering
1 A toll-road across the Cascade Mts.; opened by Samuel K. Barlow about July, 1845.
2 Joseph L. Meek.
3 Rev. George Gary. Second Supt. Oregon Mission. 1844- June 1847
4 Oregon Institute Salem. Organized in 1844. (Became Willamette Uni- versity.;
from the measles. This is the first introduction of this disease into the Country and is at this time the cause of much suffering in our borders both among whites and Indians. The hour has come for this Com'n (communication) to be closed, and with the greatest confidence that this afflictive event will be over- ruled for good even in Oregon I subscribe
Yours in Christ
Wm. Roberts.
PS. The rumours of this morning are greatly against the hope that Mr. Spalding is yet alive but nothing is certain.
(Copy) Oregon City Deer 20th 1847
To Rev. Dr. Pitman Cor Secy ) Miss Socy of the M. E. Church) Dear Bro.
In my communication of Saturday last with its accompany- ing documents, you have all the information we possess in regard to our Indian difficulties. I now desire (Sub rosa) to speak a little of some business matters if the special mes- senger Mr. J. Meek does not start too soon. And First, as to the payment of salaries. The course has been to pay the part regarded as salary, either in cash or goods at cash or invoice prices: The other part i. e. that regarded as table expenses to be paid in the currency of the country, which is now not worth more than 66 2/3 cts. to the dollar compared with cash. I called the Brethren together recently to compare notes on this subject and find that the salaries as estimated in N. Y. are a little above what the estimating (committee) made them here for 1847.
Now the query arises as the (committee) here estimated in view of the Pay aforesaid ought I to pay the present (or N. Y. estimate) in any other way. Bro. Wilbur 1 is of opinion that when the Board made the present estimate of $600. for himself for example, it meant $600. in cash or if currency was used an amt. of it equal to $600. in cash. The other Brethren agree that if the present estimate is paid about as Bro. Gary paid it when he was here that it is sufficient and they have had experience. Do not understand me that there is any
i Rev. J. H. Wilbur. D. D.
feeling on the subject on the part of Bro. Wilbur, but such are his convictions of right, and I think he will not be satisfied with the payments made as Bro. Gary made them ; until you shall have given instructions on the subject.
I am scarcely prepared to express an opinon on the subject but the course I had marked out for myself was to ascertain how nearly the present estimate, corresponded with those of former years and also with the actual demand and cost of living in the country. As to the former it is above (only a little) the estimate made here for the same time but below the esti- mates of some previous years, then I intended to have the pay according to the salary: following the example of my predecessor in all cases where I ascertained he was right. Provided that in all cases (I speak now of salaries) the members of the mission are satisfied and happy. It is likely that I may discount somewhat for Bro. Wilbur when I use the funds here at least until you shall have given some direc- tion (if you are prepared to give any) in regard to the question. If at any moment I find the Brethren are not entirely satisfied with payments as Bro. Gary made them, or am convinced from experience that the support is not full and liberal, I shall bring the currency part of the payments down to cash prices so as to made the entire amt. equal to cash as per estimate of the Board, until I recieve further advices : for in my opinion a liberal support and entire harmony of feeling are both essential to our prosperity in the mission.
One thing I ought perhaps to mention I am of opinion that the Board ought to send a good supply of goods to this place not only for the use of the mission families but to enable me to pay for somethings that have to be done in goods. Almost every article of clothing here is from 100 to 200 per ct. above the N. Y. prices. I am under the necessity of haveing some work done for which goods would be most available, and here I will say that my action in this case will be widely different from that of Bro. Gary. He did not travel about except as he was taken. I travel incessantly when angry swolen rivers will permit, hence not only are my personal expenses greatly increased, but I must have a barn and Fodder ; and a man or boy to work for me, and travel with me when
1 Rev. David Leslie.
2 Dr. Gary came to Oregon with instructions to close out all the "aecular" interests of the mission, instructions which he followed literally.
on long and perilous journeys. There is no Barn at the Insti- tute and the Brethren spend nearly one third of their working hours in hunting and catching their horses, and sometimes fail to get to their work because no horse can be found. This must not be and I have no alternative but to build. I have already built one in this place. Bro. Leslie 1 now lives at this place in a house which I hold at present but which may be redeemed at any time until the 23d of February next. They have given me due notice that it will be redeemed and then he must vacate the premises; at that time there will be two of us to live with our families in one little one story house 18 by 22 or one of us must go to the Barn, for it is by no means certain that any house can be had for love or money. I refer to these things not to distress you much less to com- plain, for we are very happy a mid it all and would be in a dungeon. But for the purpose of saying it is necessary to build a house for the Superintendent to live in. Arid all this costs money, and is a different course pursued by my predecessor. 2
In both the fact and manner of these expenditures, I shall pursue the most rigid economy : now if I had some tea, coffee, flannell, Crockery, Calico stuff for pants, coarse Box coats or Blanket Coats, made or unmade, some stout shoes or (Boots) (nothing is fit for this country that is not very durable), I could after supplying ourselves dispose of them to the greatest advantage, together with the funds we have in this country in paying workmen &C.
It may seem strange to you that I make these suggestions in regard to goods: but if you were to hear the constant enquiry Can't you furnish me with a pair of shoes ? I will do anything for you for a coat, there is no coffee that I can get &C. &C. you would feel as I do that for the present, the truest economy is to keep a moderate supply of these necessaries of life in the mission. We have had an abundant supply of stockings and shirts, and a little Calico they have been a blessing indeed. We want some small Books for presents for children : I find the Sunday School Books we brought were very appropriate, but I want to have some, more immediately intended as presents.
There are a few Local Preachers comeing in this season, and one (Rev. Asa White) to whom I was introduced on Saturday last, one (an Itenerant, who may help us to some
extent, but I do not yet see any way at all, with our present means to supply the Tualatin Plains or Clatsop or the extreme upper part of the Valley, much less any hope of touching any point North of the Columbia River, so that if you have received my former letter calling for two young men to come next season either over the mountains or by way of Panama, my mind as to the necessity remains unchanged.
Campbellism is rampant in this country at present. I wish you would send me a few copies of Phillips Strictures on it, or any better work you know of, with 1 copy of Rice and Campbell's Debate.
The prices of a few articles in this country are as follows Flour $4. per hnd. Beef 5@6 Pork 8@10 Oil from $1.25 to $2. Sugar 12c Tea $1.50@$2. and poor at that Coffee 25c but none to be had. Fir wood $3. Oak & Ash $4. butter 25c per Ib. Wheat is very scarce and worth $1. Cash. Fodder impos- sible to get except a few bundles of oats in the sheaf at 75c per dozen &c. &C.
I ought not to forget Hardware Glass and paint for the said house. Nails cost 20c per lib. I think of building a house 32 by 24 Cottage form one and a half stories with Kitchen 14 by 16 the ground plan would be something of this form and I allude to it only to indicate to you the hardware &C necessary there are 5 inside and 2 outside doors on the Lower floor, and Carpenter would give directions in a moment as to the kind and No. of Locks fastenings hinges screws nails (4d are used for shingling here) glass (I want 8 by 10) Paint and a keg of oil. If by any means I can avoid building or have to do it before you can send these items or there should be a surplusage, they are worth here all they cost and 100 per ct. more. I name the above sized glass not because it is the best but because in any contingency it is sometimes possible to get it in this country.
A few remarks on the Oregon Institute and I have done, the claim on which the building is located is now held by Wm. H. Wilson 1 in trust for a Board of Managers and excepting the Buildings and a reserve of 60 acres 2 he is to have one third of all the claim for holding it &C. This arrangement
1 Made necessary by the failure of the Provisional Government to provide for property holding by corporations.
2 The Willamette University Campus and the Capitol grounds at Salem occupy part of this grant.
was concocted before I came and consummated in the pres- ence of Mr. Gary a day or two before he left. If Bro. Wilson were a thorough going business man it might be a tolerable plan but as it is I dislike it exceedingly, and am trying to persuade him to give it into other hands. It is possible I may succeed. Bro. Wilbur could hold it just as well and it would cost nothing and he would transact the business in due form and order.
A Bro. Joseph Smith is keeping a good school in the build- ing at present, and we are doing all we can to encourage and help, but in a country so new where the Love of gain has gained complete possession of allmost every heart, where the the most Enterprizing cannot work fast and the idle and vicious do nothing but mischief it is not easy to go a great deal in a little time.
I have consecrated all my feeble energies to the work before me, and think these energies both Physical and Spiritual (I say nothing of mental) are strengthened by the Exercise.
There is need here for all the aid you can send us, whether it be in prayers and sympathies, the goods or men I have indi- cated or any other good and perfect gift you may have to send us from the Father of lights. I omitted before leaving home to secure Temperance Publications. I find we are threatened with a Deluge of Rum, and that the most sturdy efforts imag- inable are requisite to stem the torrent.
Gambling abounds. Will you send me the most valuable Temperance publications together with the Permanent Temper- ance Documents. Dec 21st I have just ascertained that by loaning a man $300 in silver I can have a house suitable for Bro. Leslie to live in for eleven months this will give me time enough to build or to make some other shift.
Oregon City seems to be the proper place for me to reside, at least for the present and is the key to the whole territory. I shall be most happy to have such instructions and advice from time to time as will better prepare me for my respon- sible work in this country I am
Yours in Christ
William Roberts.
(Copy) Oregon City Dec 22nd 1847
Dear Bro. Kidder
After haveing prepared such communications for the Miss'y Board as will give all the light we have on the recent afflictive event which has shrouded our territory in gloom, I desire to improve the remaining moments before the messenger starts in writing to such friends as are most frequently in my thoughts.
We are well as usual : my own health was never better, and I think Mrs. Roberts enjoys even better health in the general than in the States. Up to this time however, she has been too much confined at home, I trust that when the rainy season is over my business will allow of her taking some long horse back trips which I am quite confident would be very conducive to her comfort in many respects. I have quite a No. of Indian Ponies so that if you will bring Mrs. Kidder to see us we can take a tour, children and all.
In settling the Indian difficulties at the Dalls several horses fell into my hands, which I have not yet disposed of. The Sabbath School Cause is yet in its infancy in this country oweing to the scattered character of the population. The poverty of many of the people in not being able to clothe either themselves or their children so that they would be fit to appear in church or school, and to the ignorance of and carelessness of many others, the subject has never received that attention its importance demands: Every month however brightens the hopes in regard to this enterprize. The Box of S. S. Advocates which was sent to us was very opportune, it contained however, only the first half of the 4th Vol. from 1 to 12 inclusive. Can you send us as many of the last half of the same vol and so on of the next volume as they come out. There are many families among whom we distribute these papers very anxious to have the volume complete and we distribute them in our schools at regular intervals just as if we were recieving them from the publication office. I greatly desire to have a lot of books more immediately suitable for presents. In the name of the lambs of Christ's flocks let me ask you to select and send such as will be sufficient for the pockets and saddle bags of six or eight Itinerants who have but few opportunities of seeing the children except when we go from cabin to cabin in our regular appointments and pas- toral visits: After next New Years ensueing I can give you
Statistics, but I have only had one Quarterly Con. and then the Preachers in charge had not their S, S. reports as per disciplin, they will not be behind hand after this I am confident.
The glory of Oregon in Temperance has departed. 1 There are three dram shops in this city and in spite of all our efforts tippling and gambling abound. We are just now making an effort to alter the organic law so that Prohibition may be the law of the land in regard to all that intoxicates. But I have some hope that we can by the blessing of God put forth some efforts to save the country.
Romanism is here and doing all it can. I give you an incident. The Legislature is in session and at its opening passed the customary resolution inviting the Clergymen of the place to open the morning sessions with prayer. The Com- mittee invited the Catholic Priest among the rest.
I opened the first morning by invitation. The Legislature sits you must know in the Methodist Church 2 as there is no other suitable building in the place. The sec'd. morning the Speaker arose and said he would be pleased if the Clergyman would arrange among themselves as to who would officiate each morning without his making the selection. The Priest who was standing by the stove immediately said he had been invited to officate as their chaplain. That he was present for that purpose, but that he would allow no one else to dictate a prayer to any of his people. We have, he said, authority to preach from the Apostles. This is a political body and can do its business without prayer or each one who wishes it can pray silently but some of my people are members of the body and if any of these persons come here to dictate prayers to my people I will not permit it &C. The Speaker scarcely knew what to reply to all this intolerance, but in a few moments the House proceeded to elect a Chaplain and the Priest was excused.
I have regularly served them since that time and in a few days, the session will close. The Governor (Bro. Abemethy) 3 brought up the School Questin in his message but I fear that
1 Dr. John McLoughlin and Jason Lee had united their influence to keep Oregon as free from liquor as possible. . ._ ,_
2 The first church building in the Pacific N. W.
3 George Abernethy, came to Oregon in 1840 as treasurer of the M. E'. Mission. He became first Governor of Oregon.
war and rumours of war will crowd out any valuable action on the subject. But I hear that the special messenger to the States is to start shortly and with assurances of love and Christian affection,
I am yours as ever
Wm Roberts. Rev. D. P. Kidder
Oregon City 25 Deer 1847 Dear Bro.
I hereby advise you of a Draft I have made or rather of two drafts I have drawn on you. One for $100. the other for $400. in favour of Jos. L. Meek the Messenger to the United States from the provisional Government of Oregon. To Rev G. Lane ) I am
Treasurer of the Mis. Socy) Yours truly
of the M. E. Church ) Wm Roberts
Oregon City 25 Deer 1847 To Rev G. Lane &C Dear Bro Lane
I hereby advise you that I have this day drawn on you for $500. in favour of A. L. Lovejoy, H. Burns and Wm. H. Wilson, Commissioners of Oregon territory at ten days sight. I am
Yours truly
Wm. Roberts.
Oregon City Friday Deer 24th 1847 Rev. Dr. Pitman &C Dear Bro.
And yet the Messenger delays: the difficulty of raiseing the means, the necessary delay in preparing the memorial to congress, and the intense desire to hear from the upper country together with the necessary preparations for crossing the Shasta mountain between here and California in this winter season, will not allow him to start before next week. I therefore commence another sheet, which I purpose to fill with such events as may transpire in the interval. In the meantime the present weeks paper will be out containing the Governor's message and some of the proceedings of the Leg
islature. I send you such parts of the paper as relate to this Country folded in the letter as the safest means of transporta- tion. In truth where an express can take with certainty only such things as may be belted around the man it will not do to burden it with newspapers. The present Editor of the paper is too fond of his cups to give it much interest or credit, and it is likely he will soon be excused from further service.
Monday Dec 27. Up to this moment we hear nothing that is positively certain from the Dalles, and I must close my letters to take a tour up the valley early tomorrow morning. The general opinion is that the property at the Dalles has fallen into the hand of the Cayuses, and that the Company of volunters sent there are encamped in an open bottom 3 miles below awaiting further orders.
The effort is (being made) to raise 500 men which I pre- sume will succeed and then all those who go to the upper Country will not return it is to feared that some will fall a prey to Savage violence there are various opinions entertained as to whether it would be best to do anything more now than rescue the remaining families and wait for the U. S. troops to chastise the offenders, or, to proceed at once to rescue and chastise them ourselves. The Governor inclines strongly to the former course but there are some restless persons in the territory who are determined to go and chastise the Indians at all hazards and it is thought best to place them under proper control. So that no mischief may be done at any rate, for if the disposition of some who desire to go and pay them- selves with what they could take from the Indians were grati- fied, the fields of Oregon could not be planted the comeing season.
The Legislature adjourns tomorrow after a session of three weeks more than half of which time has been occupied by the war. Since commencing these letters, my eldest boy has been taken down with fever it is of a low painless type Identical I suppose with the camp fever which operates so fatally among the Emigrants. While at home I could manage our ligffi afflictions tolerably well but when away from home it would be comfortable to leave one's sick family in the care of a good physician but at present the great physician above is our only reliance.
The present winter has been remarkable favourable the weather has been so mild that the cattle are doing finely, there has been very little rain during the present month. I am reminded by the pattering of the rain at this moment that my 50 miles ride tomorrow will be in the face of a South East storm. Hopeing that the Lord will take care of us and that we may hear from you soon.
I subscribe
Your Bro in Christ
W. Roberts.
P. S. I will sketch some more wants if you have no objection our church in this place has a Belfry, erected at the instance of Dr. Babcock[1] who promised to furnish a bell which is really indispensable. Will you write to him and request him to consent that you may forthwith purchase a Bell suitable for a church 40 by 50 (I dont know its exact size) and send it here at his expense. Inform him also that I have some prospect of collecting some funds for him which were left in my hands for collection, they shall be forwarded when collected as per arrangement of Bro. Gary. Whether he pays for it or not we greatly need a Bell, but if the above mentioned promise was made and if I am to collect his debts I insist that he shall pay for the bell. The following articles would contribute to our comfort 2 or 3 pieces of Rag carpet, a piece of stuff for Horse Blanket 2 Riding Bridles a Spanish Bit, gross of the several kinds of Buckels.
W. R.
- ↑ Dr. Ira L. Babcock, M. D., member of the M. E. Mission group of 1840.