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Chapter I—Mining Enforcement, Safety Admin.
§ 11.22

§ 11.12 Delivery of respirators and components by applicant; requirements.

(a) Each applicant shall, when an application is filed pursuant to § 11.10, be advised by the Institute of the total number of respirators and component parts required for testing.

(b) The applicant shall deliver, at his own expense, the number of completely assembled respirators and component parts required for testing, to Testing and Certification Laboratory.

(c) Respirators and component parts submitted for approval must be made from materials specified in the application.

(d) One completely assembled respirator approved under the provisions of this part may be retained by the Institute as a laboratory exhibit, the remaining respirators may be returned to the applicant at his own expense, upon written request within 30 days after notice of approval. If no such request is made, the respirators will be disposed of by the Institute in such manner as it deems appropriate.

(e) Where a respirator fails to meet the requirements for approval set forth in this part, all respirators and components delivered in accordance with this section may be returned to the applicant at his own expense, upon written request within 30 days after notice of disapproval. If no such request is made, the respirators will be disposed of by the institute In such manner as it deems appropriate.

[87 FR 6244, Mar, 25, 1972, as amended at 38 FR 6982, Mar. 15, 1973]

Subpart C—Fees

§ 11.20 Examination, inspection and testing of complete respirator assemblies; fees.

Except as provided in § 11.22, the following fees shall be charged by the Institute for the examination, inspection and testing of complete respirator assemblies:

(a) Self-contained breathing ap-


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pare’ (1) er and escape, 1 hour or ee 68, 500

Seentee ee emEeR eRe ee 2, THO 7 ODD

©) Gas Gas masks, including pesti- cide gas masks—


§ 11.22 (1) Single hamard..__........... 1, 100 (2) Raaswcwwnsencc—-coccue $100 (co) Supplied: as (2d) Dust, fume and mist respi-

ratora— (1) Single particulate hazard hay- ing an Air Contamination Level more than 0.06 mg/ particles

m.? or 2 per seeeeesesseessee 500 {a} ate bax ards having an Air Contami- nation Level more than 0.05 mug./m” or 2 million pare cubic foot... ic (8) Particulate hazards baying an tamination Level leas than 0.08 mg/m.* or 2 per tadon daughters.... 1,250 (4) Al dusts, fumes anc miste.. 2,600 (e) Chemical cartridge COPS se ecesec cece cece ccc 1, 160 (f} Paint spray respiratera._..__ 1, 400 (@) Pestiolde reapiratars......... 1,400

[37 PR 6346, Mar. 26, 1972, ag amended at 38 PR 6093, Mar. 15, 1973]

§ 11.21 Pp: eer inspection and tes tor

o: ig fy : components or

Except as provided in § 11.22, the fol-

lowing fees shall be charged by the

Institute for the examination, Inspection

and testing of the individual respirator components or subassemblies:

(37 FR 6244, Mar. 25, 19723, as amended at 85 FR 69893, Mar. 15, 1978]

§ 11.22 Unlisied fees; additional fees; pon hy applicant prior to ap-

prov. (a) Applications for the examination, inspection and testing of complete

in § 11.20, or for the examination, in- spection, and testing of respirator com- ponents or subassembHes which are not listed in $11.21, shall be accompanied by the following deposits:

(1) Complete respirator assem- hi —wv-2r2ee $1,500

(2) Each individual component or subassemb! 500

The Bureau and the Institute reserve the right to conduct any examination, inspection or test they deem necessary to determine the quality and effective-