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§ 1.1
30 CFR Ch. 1 (7-1-93 Edition)




1.1 Official emblem

1.2 Description

1.3 Use of letters and acronym MSHA.

AUTHORITY: Sec. 508. Federal Coat Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969; sec. 301 of Title 5. United States Code; secs. 301(a) and 302(a), Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments Act of 1977. Pub. L. 95-164. 30 US.C. 961 and 951 and 29 U.S.C. 5778. 91 Stat. 1317 and 91 Stat. 1319; sec. 508. Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977. Pub. L 91-173 amended by Pub. L 95-164. 30 U.S.C. 957, 83 Stat. 803.

SOURCE: 39 FR 23997. June 28, 1974. unless otherwise noted.

§ 1.1 Official emblem.

The following emblem is established and shall be used as the official emblem of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, except where use of the Departmental Seal is required:

United States Department of Labor - MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration

[39 FR 23997. June 28, 1974. as amended at 43 FR 12312. Mar. 24. 1978]

§ 1.2 Description.

The emblem of the Mine Safety and Health Administration is of contemporary design with the letters and acronym of the Administration delineated as MSHA appearing in large letters in the middle of the emblem. Above the letters and acronym appear the words "United States Department of Labor" and below the letters and acronym the words "Mine Safety and Health Administration."

[39 FR 23997, June 28. 1974, as amended at 43 FR 12312, Mar. 24. 1978]

§ 1.3 Use of letters and acronym MSHA.

The letters and acronym MSHA may be used and substituted for the words "Mine Safety and Health Administration" in correspondence, rules. regulations, and in certificates of approval, approval plates, labels, and markings prescribed by the Mine Safety and Health Administration to designate and denote equipment, devices. and apparatus approved "permissible" and suitable for use in mines under the applicable parts of Chapter I of this title, and in such other documents, publications, and pamphlets, and on signs, clothing and uniforms. and offices of the Administration and at such times and locations may be deemed appropriate by the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.

[39 FR 23997, June 28. 1974. as amended at 43 FR 12312, Mar. 24. 1978]