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Mine Safety and Health Admin., Labor
§ 7.3


7.68 Firing line terminals test.

7.69 Approval marking.

7.70 Post-approval product audit.

7.71 Approval checklist.

7.72 New technology.

Subpart J—Electric Motor Assemblies

7.301 Purpose and effective date.

7.302 Definitions.

7.303 Application requirements.

7.304 Technical requirements.

7.305 Critical characteristics.

7.306 Explosion tests.

7.307 Static pressure test.

7.308 Lockwasher equivalency test.

7.309 Approval marking.

7.310 Post-approval product audit.

7.311 Approval checklist.


Subpart K—Electric Cables, Signaling Cables, and Cable Spice Kits

7.401 Purpose and effective date.

7.402 Definitions.

7.403 Application requirements.

7.404 Technical requirements.

7.405 Critical characteristics.

7.406 Flame test apparatus.

7.407 Test for flame resistance of electric cables and cable splices.

7.408 Test for flame resistance of signaling cables.

7.409 Approval markings.

7.410 Post-approval product audit.

7.411 New technology.

AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 957.

Source: 53 FR 23500, June 22, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General

§ 7.1 Purpose and scope.

This part sets out requirements for MSHA approval of certain equipment and materials for use in underground mines whose product testing and evaluation does not involve subjective analysis. These requirements apply to products listed in the subparts following this Subpart A. After the dates specified in the following subparts, requests for approval of products shall be made in accordance with this Subpart A and the applicable subpart.

§ 7.2 Definitions.

The following definitions apply in this part.

Applicant. An individual or organization that manufactures or controls the assembly of a product and that applies to MSHA for approval of that product.

Approval. A document issued by MSHA which states that product has met the requirements of this part and which authorizes an approval marking identifying the product as approved.

Authorized company official. An individual designated by applicant who has the authority to bind the company.

Critical characteristic. A feature of a product that. if not manufactured as approved, could have a direct effect on safety and for which testing or Inspection LS required prior to shipment to ensure conformity with the technical requirements under which the approval was issued,

Extension of approval. A document issued by MSHA which states that the change to a product previously approved by MSHA under this part meets the requirements of this part and which authorizes the continued use of the approval marking after the appropriate extension number been added.

Post-approval product audit. Examination, testing, or both. by MSHA of approved products selected by MSHA to determine whether those products meet the applicable technical requirements and have been manufactured as approved,

Technical requirements. The design and performance requirements for a product. specified In a subpart of this part. Test procedures. The methods specified in a subpart Of this part used to determine whether a product meet the performance portion of the technical requirements,

[53 FR 23500. June 22, 1988: 53 PR 25569. July 7, 1988]

§ 7.3 Application procedures and requirements.

(a) Application. Requests for an approval or extension of approval shall be sent to: U.S. Department of labor. Mine Safety and Health Administration. Approval and Certification Center. RR # 1. Box 251, Industrial