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Mine Safety and Health Admin., Labor
§ 7.8

(b) Unless otherwise specified in the subpart, instruments shall be calibrated at least as frequently as, and according to, the instrument manufacturer's specifications, using calibration traceable to those set by the National Bureau of Standards, US. Department of Commerce or other nationally recognized standards and accurate to at least one significant figure beyond the desired accuracy. (c) When MSHA elects to observe product testing, the applicant shall permit an official to be present at a mutually agreeable date, time, and place. (d) MSHA will accept product testing conducted outside the United States where such acceptance is specifically required by International agreement.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 12190100)

[53 PR 23500. June 22. 1988; 53 FR 25569, July 7. 1988]

§ 7.5 Issuance of approval.

(a) An applicant shall not advertise or otherwise represent a product u approved until MSHA has issued the applicant approval. (b) MSHA will issue an approval or a notice of the reasons for denying approval after reviewing the application, and the results of product testing, when applicable. An approval will identify the documents upon which the approval is based.

§ 7.6 Approval marking and distribution.

(a) Each approved product shall have an approval marking, as specified in the appropriate subpart of this part.

(b) For extension of approval, the extension number shall be added to the original approval number on the approval marking.

(c) Applicants shall maintain records of the initial sale of each unit having approval marking. The record retention period shall be at least the expected shelf life and service life of the product.

(Approved by the Office or Management and Budget under control number 12190100)

§ 7.7 Quality assurance.

Applicants granted an approval or extension of approval under this part shall—

(a) Inspect or test, or both, the critical characteristics in accordance with the appropriate subpart of this part;

(b) Unless otherwise specified in the subparts, calibrate instruments used for the inspection and testing of critical characteristics at least as frequently as, and according to, the instrument manufacturer's specifications, wing calibration standards traceable to those set by the National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce or other nationally recognized standards and use instruments accurate to at least one significant figure beyond the desired accuracy.

(c) Control production documentation so that the product is manufactured approved;

(d) Immediately report to the MSHA Approval and Certification Center, any knowledge of a product distributed with critical characteristics not in accordance with the approval specifications.

(Approved by the Office or and Budget under control number 12190100)

§ 7.8 Post-approval product audit.

(a) Approved products shall be subject to periodic audits by MSHA for the purpose of determining conformity with the technical requirements upon which the approval based. Any approved product which is to be audited shall be selected by MSHA and be representative of those distributed for use in mines. The approval holder may obtain my final report resulting from such audit.

(b) No more than once a year except for cause. the approval-holder, at MSHA's request, shall make an approved product available at no cost to MSHA for an audit to be conducted at a mutually agreeable site and time. The approval holder may observe any tests conducted during this audit.