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Page:A Friend in Need (1925).djvu/10

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following pages will show, it has been proven by time and trial and experience as a most effective preventive and remedy for a surprisingly large percentage of the ailments most common among the civilized races.

In compiling this list of uses for Arm & Hammer Pure Bicarbonate of Soda as a household remedy, great care was taken to include nothing that had not been tested and approved by leading physicians—men who recognize it is their duty to be thorough—to be positive; men who do not base their decisions upon theory or accept assumption instead of proof; men who are convinced a thing can be done only after it is done.

Remedies offered are, in most instances, drawn from that great medical work “The Materia Medica,” which is founded on the medical experience of the greatest and best chemists, physicians and laboratory scientists the world has produced.