There is no mortal man whom
pain and disease do not reach.
Health is the birthright of man. If you are sick, you have, in some way, violated a law of nature. When you observe the teachings of nature, you are well. This booklet, pointing out how certain laws of nature can be followed, will help you and your household to avoid much of the pain and suffering that is the inevitable result of delay in heeding Nature’s warnings.
“The foremost fire fighter in the world,” said F. Burnham McLeary, in an article contributed to the World’s Work, “is responsible for the statement that 99 per cent. of all fires on earth could be extinguished with a glass of water if taken in time. To be more specific, even though a score of fires were breaking out in various quarter of San Francisco on the morning of April 18, 1906, fifty such glasses of water, properly stationed, would have pre-