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Page:A Friend in Need (1925).djvu/9

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health; if the patient begins to get worse you at once know that the armies of disease have gained the ascendency, that the automatic safety provisions of the human system have been overcome, and that Nature has signalled you to aid in the fight with the forces of human intellect. It is in such emergencies—before the doctor comes, or when it is obvious that prompt action will make a visit from the doctor unnecessary—that this little booklet should be consulted. For it tells you when and how that inexpensive box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda in your kitchen, or obtainable in the nearest grocery store, can be used to aid Nature in her fight.

Understand, please, that Bicarbonate of Soda is not a cure-all. Its field of usefulness as a home remedy is limited to well-defined ailments. Understand, also, that it should be regarded as an aid—not a substitute—to the physician. But, as a study of the