V|D3 492 io M5 (J), also Israel Nu 22 5U (J); frogs the bz: land Ex 8 s (P); quails the camp Ex i6 is (P); cloud the land Ez 3<> 18 38 916 ; darkness the earlh Is 60 s ; dust a city Ez 26 10 ; the depths of the sea by God Jb 36 30 ; with a reference to a per- son's shame V44 16 6? 8 Je5i 51 Ob 10 Mi7'°; horror jr 55 s Ez 7 18 ; violence Pr 10 611 Hb 2 17 ; confusion Je 3 :s ; mischief fr 140 10 ; God covers sin + 85 s (|| py NBO), cf. 32 1 (Qal). 6. sq. bv of person or thing covered, cover over: cheru- bim over the ark 2 Ch 5 s ; over the dead, the earth Nu 16 33 (JE), f 106 17 Is 26 21 , worms Jb 21 26 ; dust over blood Ez 24 7 ; waters over the seaHb2 14 ,cf.D;blsn 9 ; (v. Dr' 135 - 706 ') ; love covereth overall sins Pr io 12 ; God covereth over iniquity Ne 3 s7 ; people not to cover over a guilty person Dt 13 9 ; +acc. of obj. covering (Da 8jnM75 ), fig. covering over the garment with violence Mai 2 16 ; God's hands with light Jb 36 s2 ; + 3 of covering >/'44 20 . iTote.— TB? (T<$) V' * 43° is error for 'W ace. to ® KaT('<pvyov SS,but nDn not cstr. wi.'.'N; wsn Bae; Dinrrns vby »ng? ^agn EZ31 15 ace. to Co I caused the deep to mourn for them (del.TlDS). Pnal.P/.3mpl. ! iB3 1 /,8o 11 Pr24 31 ; Imp/. HD^ Ec 6 4 ; pi. ®^! Gn 7 1920 ; Pt. pi. D'EDD iCh2i 16 ; fpl. niD30Ez4i 16 . 1. sq. accus. be covered, hills with shadow yjr 8o"; mountains with water Gn 7 19,20 (P); field with nettles Pr24 31 ; abs., windows of temple Ez 41 16 . 2. sq. 3, be clothed, with sackcloth 1 Ch 21 16 ; name with darkness Ec 6 4 . Hithp./mp/ D?n»l Is 3 7 1 =2Ki9 1 ; 3 fs. npSH Pr 2 6 26 ; DSWIJ Gn 24 s5 ; pi. 1B3JT Is 59" Jon 3 8 ; Pt. nD2nr? 1 K 11 29 ; pi. D' 1 ?!"? Is 37 s = 2K 19 2 ; — cover, clothe oneself, abs. (of veil) Gn 24 65 (J); with 3, of new garment 1 K 1 1 29 ; sackcloth 2 K i9 12 =Is 37 12 ; fig. of works Is 59 6 , of hatred with guile Pr 26 26 ; with ace. Jon 3 6 (D , i&'). Tf^Di] n.[m.] covering, onlycstr.liV ^D3 covering of skins Nu 4 6 " (P). • t niD3 n.f . covering — '3 Gn 20" + 3 1. ; sf. ^niD3 Dt 2 2 12 + 3 t. sfs. ; — 1. covering, clothing Ex 2> 22 M (Covt. code), Dt 22 12 Jb 2 4 7 31 19 ; of P?? as clothing of heavens Is 50 3 in fig. 2. covering for concealment, of Abaddon, the sub- terranean abode of the dead Jb 26 s ; D^ , J? '3, covering of the eyes Gn 20 18 (so that they can- not see the wrong, fig. of a present offered in compensation for it ; E). tnD3^p n.[m.] covering; — 'oEx26 14 36 19 ; cstr. nccb G11 8 13 + 10 t,; sf. inp30 Ex 35 11 + 2 t.; — 1. covering of the ark, deck-roof (© ariyr,) Gn 8 13 (J). 2. of the skins of the tei.t of meeting Ex 26 1414 35 11 3 6 1919 3 9 34:M 40 19 Nu3 2S 4 8101112 - 26!5 (allP). tnD3^ a.m. 1 ' 2318 covering;— 'o Lv 9 19 Is
18 ; sf. SB3D Ez 27 7 ; pi. sf. T? 31 ? Is 14";
of fat covering (the inwards) Lv 9 19 ; worms, covering the dead Is 14 11 , deck of a ship Ez 27' (Co Kajiitenwand) ; garment Is 23 18 . II. J1D3 (/of foil.; prob. bind; cf. As. kasA, take captive, Pi. fetter, kasitu, kisittu, a fetter; Zehnpfund BAB '■ ** Dl 1 *"*'" EMeh - *"■ HWB »"). t [PD3] n.f. band, flUet (= charm or amulet ace. to Ephr. Syr., (pvXaKTrjpia ace. to 6 'Kfipatos of Hexapl., cf. ES JPhl1 "- 286 ; in NH J1D3 usu. = cushion, bolster, pillow), only pi. "75? ninp3 nhEriD Ez 13 18 women sewing bands upon elbows ; c. sf. 2 fpl. fUa'rfnDB v 20 . nD3 v. KD3. HD3 v. NB3. nrnD3 Is 5 2S v. nmD. ""ID3, Jt)D3 v. sub I. HD3. t : f[nD3] vb. out off or away, a plant (NH id./ Aram. npf, J&> (for Heb. 10}); Ar. 13 sweep off, away, destroy, do away with; cf. Sab. PID3 overpower, conquer, Horn ZM G 1892. 632^ _ only QgJ ft. pOS8., fs. ^03 f 8o' 7 , cut away, of Isr. under fig. of vine ; mpl. D'TODS D , Sip Is 33 12 thorns cut away, fig. of peoples destroyed by divine judgment. f [ /DD] vb. be or become stupid (NH Aram, in deriv.; Ar. J— 'Tie sluggish, so N Syr. in deriv.; orig. mng. possibly thick, plump, fat ; hence in good sense : yD3 loins, ?D3, rODS confidence; in bad sense: i^f, n?D?, ni^DS stupidity, folly, ^Pl stupid fellow) — Qal Impf. V?Q9l they become stupid Je io 8 (|| Fijn< t/tey become brutish). tbpS n.m. 1. loins, 2. stupidity, 3. con- fidence (NH id. loin; Aram. VQD3 id.); — 1. loins bo$ Jb 15 27 ; pi. D^?| Lv 3 41015 4 9 7 4 ; sf. »j?Kj) V38 8 . 2. stupidity, folly '2 Ec 7 s6 (|| Jl^Sp), b03 yf, 49". 3. confidence, sf. »?0| Jb 3 1 24 ; i?03 Pr 3 26 ; i^D3 Jb 8 14 ; D^D3 f 7s 7 .