rte 493 tn^P? »•*• (Gie ZAW, ' ,8a, ' 3M ). 1. stupid- ity i 85? (but rd. & D?b © Bae Che). 2. con- fidence, rf. *jj$&| Jb 4°. I. 7"C3 n.m. stupid feUow, dullard, • : 70 1 fool;— '3^49" + 44t.; pi. tr^'P? ^94 8 + 25 *•; — 1| ny3 ^ 49 11 92' 94 8 , elsewh. only in WisdLt; he hates knowledge Pr i 22 ; delights not in un- derstanding 18 2 ; it is his sport to do mischief io 15 ; his heart proclaimed n^JK 12 23 ; his mouth poureth it forth 15 2 , and feedeth on it I5 14 . tm^Ojl n.f. stupidity;— Pr 9 13/ 3 nato, the woman Stupidity, in antithesis with niO?n the Supreme Wisdom personified as a woman. "fn. •"'OS n.m. Orion (relation to above V obscure);— Am 5" Jb 9 9 ; also nnari '3 ni3f O 38 31 the cords of Orion wilt (canst) thou let out 1 (appar. some mythological allusion, v. Di Che, to giant bound in skies ; cf. Horn, 'Qplava 80- Krvn, and afa'vos'apluyvos); both times associated with the Pleiades ; sf. DH'^p? their Orions Is 1 3 10 , Orion and other constellations of the same brilliancy. fin. 7^03 n.pr.loc. in S of tribe of Judah Jos 15 s0 , prob. corrupt for ?V13 Jos 19 4 ; see tli^DS n.pr.loc. on border of tribe of Judah=Qnjr-in Jos 15 10 ; =ZesZa 10 miles W. Jerus.,Guerin Jud " u " r - Mem"'- 2526 Buhl ^"- 166 . tp~>D3 n.pr.m. a prince of Benjamin NU34 21 / tj",T>>D3 n.pr.loc. in the tribe of Issachar Jos i9 18 ,="OJ? n5p3 (loins or flanks of Tabor), on the W. foot* of Mt. Tabor, Jos i 9 ,2 ;=->i3ri Jos 1 9 s3 iCh6 62 ;=mod.7A*<lZ Bob BB " 1182 , Mem L365 Bunl a.§ii3,p.a6 > tl?D3 n.pr.[m.] Kislew, ninth month (postex.) = Nov.-Dec, Zc 7 1 ; '3 «ty» Ne i 1 (X id. ; loan-word from Bab. kislimu, kislivu, Muss-Arn ,BL18W,le7 ; conj. on etym. by Jen zAii.ao,A n m.3 jjp t H>.as,A">«i-2 ; p a lm. bli>D3 Vog No - M ; Gk. x«<»A™ i Makk i M ). t DTlVoS n.pr. g ent. Gn 1 o u (®D Xavpw- vift/i, @L Xacrwvi*tp, E XaXotip.) = I Ch I 12 (A XaaAamn/*, @L Xa<rXa>«M), among the sons of D'lV? ; not identif. ; conject. in Thes Di. Tinn riTD3 v. ni?C3 supr. f[DD31 vb. shear, clip (As. kas&mu, cut in pieces, ace. to D1™ BS ") ;— only Qal Impf. and Inf. abs. XSf^KVT^ U2D3? D:D3 Ez44 M they shall by all means clip their heads (opp. yfa slvave and vtysl, i.e. let grow freely). tnCSS n.f. spelt, triticum spelta (NH pi. pOBO, cf. %e HWB, )&«"»; cf. Low" 104 "- jj'^ius.ss Now Arch. 1.111^. — a bs. '3 EX9 32 Is 28^ p]. D^DBS Ez 4" (in all disting. from wheat, barley, etc.) t[OD")3] vb. qnadril. = Pi., tear off (cf. DD-ip NH cut or eat away, Dt28 38 $ J for bpn'; on form v. Ges 5 *);— only Impf.
ms . s f. : -y s D Tin nappi?^ ^ 80 14 teareth it
off(sc. the vine, fig. of Israel). f[DD3] vb. compute (peih. orig. divide up, make small, fine; NH cliew; Aram, unma break small (rare), usu. (Aph. etc.) correct, con- vict ; Ar. Jir pulverize; As. &as<2s«, perh. cw< t*» «tco, or up, whence kissatu, fodder)-—on[j Qal Impf. 2 mpl. n#T7J IDbn ttW^'f? B*K Ex 1 2 4 (P) eoc/t we according to his eating shall ye compute for the lamb. t D373 n.m. computation, proportion to be paid, tax (Palm. ND3D Keckendorf ZMGM6OT *-; NH D3t?, Aram. ND3D, lm-iv> tax (hence Ar. J^I as loan-word Fra 283 ); As. mtfeu, D1 HWBW (Zd30); NH D3iO tax-collector; so As. mak- kasu, cf. Ar. J,ib)-Nu 31* ** '° 0^1 and thou shalt separate a tax (duty levied on the spoil) for t**"** 1 (all P). tnD3T3 n.f. computation (f. of D3D); hence —a. number, Ex 1 2* (P). b. raZwaft'orc, worth, Lv27 23 (P). tRDil)] vb. long (for) (Ar. ^£ be colourless, obscure, be eclipsed (of sun or moon) ; also be depressed in appearance Ba K861 ; mod. Ar. disappoint; refl. conjj. be disappointed, ashamed, v. Spiro Toc * 1> - ; NH «|D3 Hiph. shew pallor, be pale, white; Qal be ashamed, long for, cf. Aram. IP?)— Qal Impf 2 ms. rpvp'p ep3n *pT Jb 14 15 for the work of thy hands thou wouldest long; 3 ms. •$£? I'D?? nns? yjri'l" like a lion that longeth to rend. Miph. Pf. 2 ma. + Inf. abs. T 3 ? **$ nriBD?? *l'D?3 Gn3i 30 thou didst long sorely for thy father s