■oVo t «lfe n.pr.m. (DHM *■"«'• Dmkm - •• ' cp. Lihy. n.pr. n^a); — son of Reuben Gn 46 s Ex 6" Nu 26 s8 i Ch 5 s , *aXXov(r), etc.; v. also J^B. T^S vS adj. gent, of foregoing, c. art. as n.coll., Nu 26 s . [j$'7£] v. following. T [^^7?] adj. wonderful, incomprehen- sible ;— m. ^S (i.e. 'K^S) Kt, Ju I3 13 (name f" , ^|-p;>Qr(K)^s); f/|f? njn tn6b<Le. »W$B) f 139 6 God's knowledge ; >Qr nypB. tfT'NTS n.pr.m. Ne8 7 io 11 , ©L *ak<uat. TrYOQ n.pr.m. (late As. Pi-lldma Hilpr f [nN^DO] n.f. wondrous work (si vera 1.); — pi. cstr. rfiKpBl? Jb 37" (of providence; but read probably TrtitpB? Bu SS, cf. Di). t[j?3] vb. split, divide (NH chiefly in secondary meanings and deriv.; Ar. ~j divide, split; Aram. r?», ^S divide; Eth. &.M; ravine, stream; As. palgu, canal); — Niph. Pf. 3 fs. H3pD3 Gn io 25 -the earth was divided. Pi. 1. Pf. 3 ms. 2?3 Jb 38 25 cleave a channel for rain. 2. Imv. ms. ji>3 (Ges* 62 -) ^55'° divide their speech (their counsels). fi. 2 1 ?! n.m.* 65 ' 10 (cleft) channel, (artif.) canal;— usu. pi. W$B Is 3o" B ( + D^Qnj^); cstr. tfEPJpi ^ 1 3 , sim. Is 3 2 2 Pr 2 1 ', metaph. 5 16 , of tears La 3 48 yjr 1 19 136 ; W3 Vm6 5 (i-e. irrigating canals fr. river, metaph.); ffij^3fV Jb 29 s (fig. of prosperity) ; sg. D'nf'N &B yj, 65 10 , poet, of channel for rain (cf. Jb 38 20 ). fn.3- 2 n.pr.m. son of Eber, #aX«, ©L
- aA*y : Gn'io* 1 i 171919 1 Ch i*», l)% Gn u 16 .
t[n."7l] n.f. 1. stream. 2. division; — pi. ni;?B : 1. streams Jb 20 17 . 2. divisions, sections of tribe, 'a cstr. Ju 5 1516 (read perhaps nia?B, v. following), > streams. t[n:V;] a-f- division ( = np?no q. v .), of priests, for service ; — pi. cstr. TYlOB 2 Ch 35 s . t [na^BQ] n.f. id. ; pi. aba. nii6an , Ch 35 12 . tt&TB. tfjT'B n.f. concubine (NH W.; ... •.• ■' v v : 37 v Z s " Nflp? , 3 (NflppB), perhaps influenced by Gk. TraWaufi, naWaKts (prop, young girl), Lat. pellex; orig. Gk. word ace. to Sta 01-380 , cf. also Lewy Fremd».o6f.. on posg _ Hittite origin v. Jen"* " 1 '" 1 <"">.«««.);_ 'B abs. 2 S3 7 , cstr. 2 1", "3 abs. Gn 36 12 Jui9 , ,cstr.Gn35 S!! +4t.; sf.^3^3 2 2 54 + ,
- tf r Ju i 9 = 4 ; tf- 20 4 + 2 t.; pi. &$$ 2 S 5 a
+ 2 t,, 3 Gn 25 6 + 5 t.; cstr. K$? 2 8 16 2122 ; sf. if:^a 2 Chi i !1 , Tf$9 2S19 6 , B0$& Ez 23 20 ;— 1. concubine Gn 22 24 25 s 35" 36 12 Ju 8 31 19'+ iot. Jui 9, 20, 2S3 77 +7 t. 2 S, iKii 3 1 Ch i 32 + 6 t. Ch, Est 2" Ct 6 89 . 2. either
2>aramour (perhaps contempt.; 6 jniXX«£
youth), or <concubinage Ez 23 20 (fig. of Jeru- salem doting on Babylon). f" [n~HS:] n.f. usu. iron, steel (origin dub. ; TT : * .> > . - x - > steel in Ar. is s^y, JjJU, but Vulg. Ar. jjljj ; Syr. »X&3(iu Lexx); loan-wd.fr. Pers.jSjj ace. to Lag 005 -*" 1 '- 75 , cf. N6 ZHQ! ' II(lim ' , - 7 ' i9 , but uncer- tain, cf. Now and reff.);— pi. [abs.!] Tityr&fl ayjlj Na 2 4 <"01 tfljl TO We Now, like fire the steel (fittings) of the chariots. tJT?S n.pr.m. Nahorite Gn 22", *aX8as. I' [l~f 72] vb. Niph. be separated, distinct (|| form of N?D q.v. ; cf. Ar. yi , %i separate from sucking,wean; Eth.<t.A?: separate, dintinguisJi); — 1 . Pf 1 pi. consec. U'i'M} Ex 33™ and we shall bedistinct.c. P?pers. 2. is. 'Tlv33|/i39 1 Vam wonderful(viz.in bodily stature etc.);<VrssHup- Now Bae We fl- thou ['•>] art wonderful (tOS 3). Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. i"6sn f 4 4 , 'ill consec. Ex 9 4 ; 1 s. ^nvBni consec. 8 18 ; Impf. 3 ms. i"DB! n 7 ; Imv. ms. n?Dn ^ 17 7 ; — of', make separate, c. ace. Ex8 18 (by treating differently); set apart + 4 4 , but perh. read '? "IDPl (for MT £ TDPI), hath made wonderful (his) kindwss to me (Dy Gr Che We Du [Bae ' perh.']), so 1 7 7 (cf. 3 i M ); distinguish between, P3 rei, EX9 4 , p? pers. 1 1 7 . fi. ■ , 272 pron. a certain one ; Gk. •, rj Suva (ace. to Thes from above •/ , through an unused noun pB, prop, one defined, a particular one: NH id,; Aram. ^^3, f. Jl^i^S ; Arab. ^SlS - W -AGI.§S3».. )V0C J< g; egf ZWTh,xvU.»S ; Xs.pulpul IIpt BASL " 4 ), always joined with '?topK (prop, one not mentioned) in the sense of ' ein gewisser verschwiegener ' (Ew 4106c ' 2 Sta* 180 *), 'a certain unnamed one,' i.e. such a one; Ru 4 1 naVQtp ^DpK '2PB sit down here, such a one (Gk. £ ovtos ; Ar. Ji U); in the phr. 'N '3 DipO the place of
- Mc/t a one = such and such a place, 1 S 21 3