The great use of Mnemonics in Figures, Chronology, History, Systematic Tables, Geography, and Prose and Poetry, will be fully exemplified in as familiar and brief a manner as is consistent with the nature of the subject; so that no one can have any reasonable plea for remaining unacquainted with this delectable study. Let the supine and the idle, to whom alone study is alike revolting, treat with indifference a subject which will afford a source of delight to the man of taste and genius.
It may now be proper to point out the advantages which this system possesses over others:—
First, The 100 Symbols being concentrated in one point of view, and which, independent of its simplicity, will be found greatly to facilitate the study of History, for which we require only one Room instead of eighteen. (Modern History.)
2dly, The primary Signs, the Decades or Tens, serving as indexes to the Series', every Decade commencing a new Series—localised.
3dly, The Consonants composing the common Numerals, also being the initials of the first nine Symbols in the order of arithmetical rotation, and standing in their regular order in the alphabet, and not requiring two or three pages to exhibit a far-fetched comparison between them and the figures they represent.
4thly, The abbreviations being both more numerous and of greater power. The advantage of employing Vowels as the cement of words is great, and we need only refer to Dr. Grey's Memoria Technica for a proof.