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Page:A New and Improved System of Mnemonics (Jackson).djvu/24

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When there are no Shillings, but Pounds and Pence, or Pounds and Shillings, but no Pence, any word may be inserted of two Consonants, pro-vided the first be not either B, C, or W. Any of the Great Numerals will do, save the W. If nei-ther Shillings nor Pence, two words may supply their place in like mar manner. If no Pounds, take the character for Million, Hundred, Thousand, or the like, where it is certain it cannot be mistaken, as in the Common Transactions of Life.

If there are more Consonants in the Pounds than will constitute one word, they must be formed into more, care being taken that the two last words are the Shillings and Pence, if there be any.

Assimilations may be often found difficult to make, but the very act of endeavouring to associate (as may be seen in the next chapter) will tend to fix them permanently on the mind, and render them more familiar to the understanding. Thus the use of employing Consonants for Figures, and using Vowels for the forming of proper words, has, we hope, been clearly demonstrated.

Learners must recollect, that, by placing Vowels either before, between, or after the Consonants, they will have a never-ending variety of words at command, of which they may make their own choice.