and backward, or in any other order, by associating them in like manner with the symbols; thus let the first five be Book—Tower—Jug—Cage—Church; we say, first, A Book, at the foot of Babel, we will suppose it to be the Account of the Building.
2d, Dr. Faustus enchanted upon a Tower.
3d, The Greyhound, parched with thirst in the chase, and drinking out of a Jug.
4th, The Fool, very properly shut up in a Cage.
5th, Elephant, waiting for his master outside the Church, till service is ended.
Our associations are often ludicrous; but it should be remembered, that the more grotesque they appear, the more powerful they will be impressed upon the mind.
By associnting the symbols merely, without using the common numerals, we may recollect Numbers, viz.
— before a ,— an for their .
Or, when the last figure or figures are cyphers, any of the great numerals that stand for Hundred, Thousand, &e. may be used; which, however, must constitute the last word, and immediately follow the last symbol used.
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