gil, and Milton, (if you please,) No. 7 to 9, each having a scroll. At the foot on the left is a Female, and on the right a Male, each pressing forward, (for the sake of effect;) between these place a fountain, or, instead, imagine yourself with a scroll; the last three will be numbered 10, 11, 12. On the third wall may be painted Greenwich Hospital; behind it, on the Hill, No. 13, is the Royal Observatory, let the hieroglyphics be delineated on the flag upon it. For 14, let a man be placed at the right wing of the Hospital; 15, a woman on the centre; 16, a man on the left wing; 17, a scroll on a boat in the river; 18, another on a ship of war; 19, on the Lord Mayor's barge on the right, &c.
We shall now conclude in the words of Grataroli—"It sufficeth, therefore, that we have expressed a methode or compendious waye, the which whosoever followeth shall easeyle (so that exercise be not lackynge) get and attaine the certeine and sure remembraunce of manye and sundrye things as due occasion shall require." At the same time, the Author is sensible that much more might have been adduced in elucidation of the subject in question, but the whole, in a future edition, (should it be called for,) shall undergo a strict revision.