Page:A poetic survey round Birmingham - James Bisset - 1800.pdf/25

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Through Birmingham

And 'vow'd, next day, if they would walk at leisure,
'That he'd be happy to attend their pleasure.'

They ask'd about the Police[1] of the place,
And much he wish'd to do his Townsmen grace;

For in th' administration of the laws,
Both equity and justice judge each cause.[2]
He told them, that the Officers were few,
'Of Constables and Bailiffs,[3] each but two:
'The latter privileg'd are, ev'ry year,
'To treat their friends and neighbours with good cheer;
'And those invited to each Civic Feast,
'Cost him, who treats, one hundred pounds at least.'
He said, 'Inferior Courts sat once a week,
'For those who petty debts were forc'd to seek;[4]

  1. In 1789, the Author had the honor, in conjunction with George Simcox, Esq. (now one of our worthy Magistrates), and several Gentlemen in the neighbourhood of St. Paul's, of forming the first Committee, and establishing a Nightly Patrole in that district, for preserving the peace, and securing the property of the inhabitants. The laws and regulations were approved of and soon after adopted throughout the town, which was afterwards divided into 13 districts, each governed by a Committee of their own. The utility and advantages resulting from these Institutions, and the good order and regularity which has since prevailed, in such districts where the Patrole is continued, has fully evinced their beneficial effects; and as one of the Committee always attends the Patrole, in their nocturnal perambulation's, every Member of the Society cheerfully obeys the summons of the Night Constable, whenever it comes to his turn.
  2. Our Magistrates, much to their honor, sit at the Public Office a few hours every day for the dispatch of busineſs.
  3. The High and Low Bailiffs, two Constables, and a Headborough, are chosen annually from the most respectable inhabitants of the town.
  4. *** No salary or emolument is annex'd to the offices in Birmingham!