maiden ladies deprived of normal family relationship play at motherhood. The very philosophy itself degenerates into a dilettante, parrot-like repetition of phrases, and the whole thing becomes to a great degree farcical. Manual training and "domestic science," kept apart from the productive sources of society and directed by a parasitic class, become either "fads" and burlesque upon the thing originally conceived, or, worse, they reverse the philosophy upon which they rest, and become training schools for servants and subordinates. Industrial handicraft shops cut off from all connection with the actual creative productive social processes, become the playthings of dilettanti, and the generators of "aesthetic crazes."
All such efforts are imperfect, unsymmetrical and "inartistic," because they lack that wholeness and unity which artistic. goodness and beauty demand. They only deal with a small portion of society, and, most important of all, not with the ESSENTIAL PORTION. The only