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June, 1928
Vol. 3, No. 3

Editorial & General Offices: 230 Fifth Ave., New York City
Published by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc.
H. Gernsback, Pres,; S. Gernsback, Treas.; C. E. Rosenfelt, Sec’y
Publishers of Science & Invention, Radio News, Radio Listeners’ Guide, French Humor
Owners of Broadcast Station WRNY

In Our June Issue:

The Invisible Man

(A Serial in Two Parts) Part I
By H. G. Wells 198

The Blue Dimension

A Biological Experiment

Baron Münchhausen’s Scientific Adventures

The Golden Girl of Munan

An American Jules Verne

(An Article) 270

Our Oldest Reader

(A Letter) 269

Our Cover

this month represents a scene from the story entitled, “The Blue Dimension,” by Francis Flagg, in which the young assistant, looking through the newly created spectacles, sees the scientist’s head and other body come through the machine, which, by changing the rate of vibration of the body, allows it to manifest itself on another plane. The spectacles, also the scientist’s invention, allows the wearer to view this different plane.

In Our Next Issue:

Vandals from the Moon, by Marius. The steamship imitates the fish in its manner of locomotion, the airplane imitates the bird in its locomotion through the air. But no engineer seems to have ever thought of duplicating the snake motion for propelling heavy bodies. Yet it is perfectly plausible, and the author of this story may prove to be a prophet some day. It is certainly an interesting and original idea and furnishes excellent material in a unique interplanetary tale, this time dealing with the moon people who visit our Planet.

The Invisible Man, by H. G. Wells. (A Serial in Two Parts) Part II. In the concluding chapters of this story, the harassed and harassing invisible man finally reaches an old scientist friend of his, to whom he relates his experiments, his unexpected success and his subsequent experiences. But you don’t need to be a dyed-in-the-wool scientist to become thoroughly absorbed in this detail or in the story of their subsequent experiences. You will enjoy it no matter how much science you know or don’t know.

Baron Münchhausen’s Scientific Adventures,, by Hugo Gernsback. . (The three parts in this issue conclude this series.) What will our descendants do ages from now, when their air supply dwindles down to nothing? According to our very remarkable friend, the Baron, the Martians have already solved this problem by their marvelous invention of air plants, with which they generate their own air. The Baron tells us also, how the Martian canals were built, and, lest we think them always serious and scientific, we are permitted a glimpse into their lighter moments and learn something of the kinds of amusement in which they indulge.

Just Around the Corner, by Raymond Knight. We offer this interesting playlet, which in a sense is based on science, as a novelty to our readers. It furnishes excellent material for an amateur, inexpensive production.

How to Subscribe to “Amazing Stories” send your name, address and remittance to Experimenter Publishing Co., 230 Fifth Ave., New York City. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Experimenter Publishing Co., Inc. Mention the name of the magazine you are ordering inasmuch as we also publish Radio News, Science & Invention, Radio Listeners’ Guide, Amazing Stories Quarterly, Your Body and French Humor. Subscriptions may be made in combination with the other publications just mentioned at special reduced club rates. Send postal for club rate card. Subscriptions start with the current issue unless otherwise ordered.

On Expiration of your subscription we enclose a renewal blank in your last number to you, and notify you by mail. Then, unless we receive your remittance for a renewal, delivery of the magazine is stopped.

Change of Address Notify us as far in advance as possible, giving your old address as well as the new one to which future magazines are to go. It takes several weeks to make an address change in our records.

Amazing Stories is published on the 5th of each preceding month. There are 12 months per year. Subscription price is $2.50 a year in U. S. and possessions. Canada and foreign countries $3.00 a year U. S. coin as well as U. S. stamps accepted (no foreign coin or stamps). Single copies, 25 cents each. All communications and contributions to this journal should be addressed to Editor Amazing Stories, 230 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Unaccepted contributions cannot be returned unless full postage is included. Publishers are not responsible for Mss. lost. All accepted contributions are paid for on publication.

Amazing Stories Monthly. Entered as second class matter March 10, 1926, by the Post Office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Title Registered U. S. Patent Office. Copyright, 1927, by E. P. Co., Inc., New York. The text and illustrations of this magazine are copyrighted and must not be reproduced without giving full credit to the publication. Amazing Stories is for sale at newsstands in the United States and Canada. European Agents, S. J. Wise Et Cie, 40 Place Vert, Antwerp, Belgium. Printed in U. S. A.

General Advertising Dept., 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City.