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788 SCITUATE SHANLY Scituate, harbor of refuge at, IV, 55, Lunt, O. Scolding-trial, a, V, 340, Roy all, A. Scolithus linearis, the, III, 29, Haldeman. Scollay, William, VI, 268, Vaughan, C. Scolve, John. VI, 16, Szkolny. Scott, Caroline W., VI, 685, Harrison ; 686. Scott, Cornelia, V, 442, Scott, H. L. Scott, Rev. James, V, 436, Scott, G. Scott, John W., VI, 686, Harrison, C. S. Scott, Lewis Allaire, V, 437. Scott, J. M. Scott, Thomas, murder of, V, 252, Biel. Scott, Sir Walter, I, 37, Ainslie ; V, 158, Roe, J. Scott, Winfleld, his grave, illustration, V, 441 ; Brown's statue of, 442. Scourge of the Spaniards, the, IV, 481, Nau. Scranton, Pa., name and growth of, V, 442, Scranton. Screw-auger, the. III, 176, Henry, W. Screw-driver, automatic, V, 484, Shaver. Screw-propellors, invention of, II, 617, Gatling ; V, 408, Sawyer, S. ; V, 673. Scribe, Eugene, II, 680, Gorostiza. Scriber, Peter, letters, II, 94, Davis, C. H. Scribner. Arthur H., V, 443, Scribner, C. Scribner, John Blair, V, 443, Scribner, C. Scribner's Magazine, V, 443, Scribyier, C. Scribner's Monthly, III, 32, Hale, E. E. ; 235, Holland, J. G. ; V, 443, Scribner ; 586, Smith, Rosnell. Scrooby Manor, I, 348. Bradford, W. ; 371, Brewster, W. Sculpture, pioneers of American. II, 161, Dexter, H ; in- vention for use in, III, 102, Hart, J. T. ; new processes in, 268, Hosmer, H; V, 98, Poweis, H Scythes, inventor of method for making, IV, 592, Orr, R. Seabury, Rev. Charles, V, 446, Seabury, S. Seabury, house of Bishop, illustration, V, 446. Seal of the U. S., third, illustration, VI, 480. Sealchraig, Alexander, V, 457, Selkirk. Seaman's aid society, III, 35, Hale, S. J. Seamen. See Sailors. Seamen's friend societies, III, 650. Leavitt. Sea miner, the, invention of, III, 320, Hunt, E. B. Search, right of, on the high seas, I, 552. Searing, Edward W., V, 447, Searing, L. C. Searle, Cyril, II, 396, Eytinge. Searle. January, pen-name, VI, 696, Phillips. Searle, Nathaniel, VI, 450, Wheaton, H. Sears, Richard, V, 448, Sears, I. Sears, Thacher, V, 448, Sears, R. Sea-serpent, the, VI, 632. Seaton, Lord, I, 682, Colborne. Seaton, Henry, V. 448, Seaton, W. W. Sea-urchins, the Pourtalesia. V, 93, Pourtal&s. Sea Venture, the, wreck of, II, 616, Gates, Sir T. ; V, 571 ; 716, Strachey. Seaver. James E., Ill, 424, Jemison, M. Sea well, James M., V, 480. Shaft er, J. M. Sebald islands, the, in, 371, Iwert ; discovery of, VI, 587, Woert. Seccomb, Richard, V, 449, Seccomb, Joseph. Secession, threatened (1789), V, &58, Rut ledge, J.: III. 381 ; early advocacy of, opposition to. V, 611 : medal struck in 1832, HI, 4i2 ; Georgia " platform of 1850." 426, Jen- kins, C. J. ; alleged intended, of New England, I, 27 ; ordinance framed in 1851. IV, 593, Orr, J. L. S. C. convention of 1852. 283, Means, J. H; movement for (1851-'2), V, 230, Rhett, R. B. in 1860-'l, I, 372, Black, J. S. ; 415, Bronmlow ; 434 ; Buchanan on, 435 ; right of, 500 ; first advocated in congress, V, 152 : of Vir- ginia. Ill, 668, Lee, R. E. ; 699, Letcher, J.; 705, Lewi*, J. F.; 717, 718 ; of the southern states, II, 99 ; VI, 133, Toombs ; VI. 637, Yancey : constitutional status caused by, n, 186, Dixon. James : plot to seize Washington, etc., 429; mob- violence. 111. 437 ; Lincoln's inaugural on, 717-718 ; Virginia anti-coercion resolution, V. 280, Robertson, W. ; peace convention, VI, 199. See War, the CIVIL. Secessionists, confidential mission to, LI, 38, Cushing. Seeker. Thomas. I, 730, Cooper, M. Seeker, Dr.. IV, 275, Mayhem. ./. Second Advent, the, IV. 330, Miller, W. Secret service, U. S., 1, 145, Baker, L. C. Seddon, Thomas and John, V, 449, Seddon, J. A. Sedgwick, Charles, V, 452, Sedgwick. E. D. Sedgwick, H. and D., LI, 447, Field. D. D. Sedgwick house, the, at Stockton, illustration, V, 452. Sedition act. the. I. 23. See Alien and sedition acts. Seelye, Lillie E., II, 315, Eggleston, E. Seemttller, Anne M., II, 1, Crane. Seer, the, magazine. V, 103, Pratt, O. Beevir, Mr.. II. 247, Duff, M. A. Segar, William, V, 571. Seguin, Elizabeth. IV, 646. Parepa. Seignelay, M.. II, 252. Du Unit. Seismology, researches in, IV, 296, Mendenhall, T. C. ; VI, 575. Winthrop. J. Seixas, Gershom, IV, 349, Mitchill : 654, Parker, T. Selinsgrove. Pa., missionary institute at, III, 579, Kurtz, B. Sellen, W., HI, 39, Hall, D. Selma, Ala., capture of, IV, 9, Long, Eli. Selyns, Dominie, IV, 255, Mather, C. Selyns, Henricus, quoted, VI, 249, Van Nieuwenhuysen. Semi-Colon club, the, V, 714. Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, IV, 63, Lynch, J. J. Seminoles, the. wars with, I, 268 ; 499 : II, 568. Gadsden, James ; 572, Gaines, E. P.; HI, 378; IV, 599, Osceola ; V, 440, Scott, Winjield ; VI. 53. Semple, Letitia. VI, 199, Tyler, R. Senat, Father, I, 99, Artaguette ; VI, 298, Vincennes. Senate, the U. S., representation in, I, 215, Bedford, G. case of self-election to, 191. Bateman ; president of. III, 609, Langdon, J.; constitution of, IV, 167-168 ; assault in the, V, 747, 749 ; I, 389, Brooks, P. S. : panic session of, VI, 29 : resignations, I. 700, Conkling ; V, 38, Piatt, T. C. Seneca Falls, first Woman's Rights convention at, V, 650, Stanton, E. C. Seneeas, the, last missionary to, II. 608, Gamier : chief of, V, 205, Red-Jacket ; mission to, VI, 620, Wright, A. Senex, pen-name, VI, 57, Tazewell ; 221, Vaill. Seney, Rev. Robert, V, 461, Seney, G. I. Sensitometer, invention of a, III, 271, Hough, G. W. Sentmanat, Gen., I, 67, Ampudia. Sepoy rebellion, the. I, 664, Clyde. Septuagint, first English version of the, VL, 97, Thomson, C. Sequasson, VI, 208, Uncas. Serapis, fight with the Bon Homme Richard. HI, 468. Serena, Chili, destruction of, III, 300, Huepon. Sergeant, John, IV, 711, Penington, J. Sergeant, Margaretta, IV, 280. Serigny, Sieur de, III, 687, Le Moyne, Joseph. Seringapatam, capture of, III, 91, Harris, G. Serpents, investigation of the venom of. IV, 344, Mitchell, S. W. antidote for bites of, 472, Mutis. Serrano, Rodriguez, IV, 173, Magellan. Serre. Henri, II, 577, Gallatin. Serval, M., H, 241, Du Chaillu. Sesse, IV, 350, Mocino. Setauket, L. I., founded, II, 488, Floyd, R. Seton Hall college, founded, I, 200, Bayley, J. R. ; IV. 159, McQuaid. Seven days' battle, the. III. 669 ; IV, 82. Seven pillars, the, II, 294, Eaton, T. Seven Pines, battle of, V, 161, Rains, G. J. See Fair Oaks. Seventy-fours in disguise, IU, 313. Humphreys, J. Seven Years' war, the, I, 591, Chatham ; H, 726, Grasse ; VI, 303, Viomenil. Sever, James Warren, V, 466, Sever. A. E. P. Severn. Md.. engagement at (1655), V, 704, Stone, W. Sevier, Valentine, V, 466, Sevier, J. SevignG, Madame de. subject of drama by, I, 109, Asgill. SeviUa Nueva, founded, II. 376, Esquivel. Seville, cathedral library of, I, 699, Columbus, F. College of Conception at, IV, 551, Ocampo, G. de. Sewall, Rev. C. C, V, 469, Seioall, Samuel. Sewall, Jonathan, V, 473, Sewell. Sewall, K. B.. V, 470, Sewall, R. K. Sewall, Miss, TV, 10, Longfellow. S. Sewall's Point, engagement at, II, 287, Eagle. Sewanee, Tenn., university at, V, 57, Polk, L.; 155, Quin- tard. Seward, Asahel, VI, 534, Williams, W. Seward, Olive R., V, 472. Seward, Dr. S. S., V, 470, Seward, W. H. Seward, William H., his home, illustration, V, 472. Sewerage, systems of, VI, 359, Waring. Sewing-machines, invention of, III, 602, Lamson, D. L. ; 279. Howe. E; V, 542, Singer ; VI, 454, Wheeler, N.; 546, Wilson, A. B. ; largest factory of, 546, Wilson, A. B. ; in- vention of improvements. IH. 273, House, J. A. Sexby, Edward, pen-name. V, 151, Quincy, J. Seyfried, I. X., IV. 204, Maretzek. Seymour, Edward, V, 443, So-ibner. Seymour, Horatio, his home, illustration, V, 477. Seymour, Jonathan, in, 87, Harper. Seymour, Ozias, V, 478, Seymour, O. S. Seymour, Richard, V, 478, Seymour, M. Seymour, Rev. Storrs O., V, 478, Seymour, M. H. Shabona, Chief, V, 403, Sauganash. Shackamaxon. IV, 714. Shackelford, W. F.. II, 180. Dinnies. Shadford, George. V. 180. Rankin, T. Shadow, the, sobriquet. II, 177. Diente. Shadrach. rescue of, HI, 34. Hale, J. P. Shady Side, anonymous book, III, 294, Hubbell, M. S. Shafter, James. V, 480, Shaffer, O. L. Shafting, invention of coupling for. V, 458, Sellers, C. Shakers, the, VI, 492, Whittaker, J. Shakespeare, Edmund, V, 480, Shakespeare, E. O. Shaking Quakers, the, ni, 656, Lee, Ann. Shakspeare-Bacon controversy, the, I, 130, Bacon, D. ; III, 243, Holmes, N. ; IV, 654, O'Connor, W. D. Shakspeare, William, map referred to by, HI, 297 ; theory as to plays of, IV, 400, Morgan. J. A.; supposed stlgKW- tionof "The Tempest," II, 616, Gates, Sir T. ; V, 571 ; dedication of poems by, 613, Southampton. Shakspereana, collection of, 1, 188, Barton, T. P. Shanghai, marking of channels in the harbor of, I. 4, Abbot, Joel ; rebels in, in, 11. Gust. Shanks. John T., VI. 8. Sweet. B. J. Shanly, Francis, V, 481, Shanly, W.