Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/838

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800 TYNDAL VALENCIENNES Tyndal, Margaret, VI, 573. Tyndale's hill. VI. 202, Tyndale. Tyndall. Prof. John, II, 348 ; VI, 202, Tyndale. Tynes, Col., IV, 208; Tyng, James, VI, 202, Tyng. Type, improvements in, machine for casting, 1, 418, Bruce, G.; invention for making, 708, Conner, J.; inventor of wooden, VI, 428, Wells, D. Type-distributor, invention of a, HI, 506, Kellogg, G. Type-foundry, the Johnson, IV, 129, Mackellar. Type-setting machines, I, 43, Alden, Timothy ; IV, 462, Munson, J. E. Type- writers, application of steam to, V, 173, Randolph, T. F. ; invention of, 220, Remington, P. ; 484, Shaver ; 515, Sholes, C. L. Typhoid pneumonia, treatment of, II, 635, Gibbes. R. W. Typograrjh, inventor of the, VI, 372, Washburn, C. A. Tyrannicide, the, war-ship, II, 469, Fiske, J. Tyson. Dr. H., VI, 204, Tyson, J. Tzompan, VI, 57, Techotlalatzin. U Bet. pen-name. VI, 626, Wright, R. M. Uhl, Jacob, IV, 608, Ottendorfer. Ulster, Pa., village on the site of, IV, 374, Montour, E. Umachiri, assault on, V, 135, Pumacahua. Umsted, F. G. Q., I. 285, Blake, L. D. Unadilla, destruction of, I, 480, Butler, W. Uncle Esek, pen-name, V, 485, Shaw, H. W. Uncle Frank, pen-name, VI, 609, Woodworth. Uncle Si, sobriquet, III, 178. Henson, J. Uncle Tom's Cabin, originals of characters in, I, 586 ; 675, Coffin. L. ; III, 178, Henson, J ; reply to, 184, Herndon, M. E. ; V, 180, Rankin, J. ; the southern, IV, 304, Meri- wether, L. Undercliff, IV, 412, Morris, G. P. Underground railroad, the. I, 675, Cotftn, L. : IT, 285, Dyer, C. V. : 637, Gibbons, Joseph ; V, 659, Steel ; 689, Still ; VI, 172, Tubman. Underwood, Orison, VI, 209, Underwood, A. B. Underwood, W. T., VI, 210, Undericood. J. R. Unimok volcano, discovery of, III, 86, Haro, G. L. de. Union, the Federal, speeches on, VI, 408, 410, 411. Union City, capture of. I, 443, Buford, N. B. Union college, II, 312, Edwards, J., Jr. ; founding of. V, 433, Schuyler, P. J. ; IV, 539, Nott, E.; semi-centennial, gifts to, 540 ; II, 134, Delavan ; IV, 664, Parsons, L. ; VI, 449, Wheatley; 589, Wolfe, C. L. Union de Adobes, battle at. II, 167. Unionists, expulsion of. from the South, II, 517, Fowler. J. S. Union League club. II, 638, Gibbs, O. W. ; V, 734, Stur- ges, Jonathan. Union Magazine, the. III, 556, Kirkland, C. M. Union makes strength, incident, II, 553, Froeligh. Union Theological seminary, founding of, IV, 246, Mason, J. M ; 677, Patton, W. III, 218, Hitchcock, R. D.; gifts to, 114, Hatfield ; IV, 213, Marquand, F. 398, Morgan, Edwin D. Unitarian Essayist, the, magazine, III, 306, Huidekoper, Harm Jan. Unitarianism, controversy on, I, 154, Bancroft, A. ; 216- 217, Beecher ; 577 ; II, 588-589, Gannett, E. S. ; 649, Giles, H. ; IV, 424; Morse, J. ; 654, Parker, T. ; documents on, V, 13, Pierce, J. ; VI, 47, Taylor, N. W. ; name first avowed in the United States, II, 540, Freeman, James ; first preached in America, 618, Gay, E. Unitarian party, the, in the Argentine Republic, V, 321, Rosas ; forces of, 396, Santander. Unitarians, separation of, conservative school of, VI, 357, Ware, H. ; schools of, II, 565, Furness ; IV, 537, Norton, A.: first church in New York, V. 502, Sherman, J.; re- lief society, IV, 658, Parkman, F. missions of, II, 57, Dall, C.H. A. Unitas Fratrum, the. See Moravians. United Brethren of Christ, sect of, IV, 609, Otterbein. United colonies of New England, VI, 566, Winslow, E. United Irishmen, the, II, 349, Emmet, T. A. ; 473, Fitzger- ald, Lord E. ; IV, 92, McCook, D. ; 154. MacNevin. United States, the, war of, for independence, see Revolu- tionary war ; proposal to make a monarchy of, VI, 377 ; organization of the government, 378, 380 ; the con- federation, 378 ; adoption of the constitution, 379 ; sug- gestion for form of government, IV, 511, Nichola. ; gen- eral survey of, 701, Peirce. See War of 1812 and War, the CIVIL. United States, the frigate, II, 120, Decatur ; 121 ; appro- priation for finishing. III. 375. United States, the, vessel. III, 133, Hayes, 1. 1. United States bank, the, II, 286, Duane, W. J. See Banks. United States Catholic Magazine, the, IV, 466, Murphy, J. Unite or Die device, the, II, 528, Franklin ; III, 243, Holt ; illustration. II, 528. Universalism, pioneer of, IV. 469, Murray, J. Universalist Magazine, founded. I, 152, Ballou, H. Universalists, first foreign missionary, V. 610, Souli, C. A.', first woman ordained as minister, III, 71, Hanaford ; gift to societies of, VI, 25, Talcott. University college, founded, I, 470, Burroughs, S. University of California, observatory built for, illustration, in, 709 ; gift to, IV, 332, Mills, D. O. University of Cincinnati, the, I, 701, Comegys. University of Georgia, founded, I, 148, Baldwin, A.; HI, 308, Hull, Hope. University of the Immaculate Conception, Texas, IV, 557, Odin, John Mary. University of Lima, endowment, I. 232, Benavides. University of Louisiana. Ill, 318, Hunt, T. University of Mexico, founded, VI, 277, Vera Cruz. University of Michigan, laboratory of, n, 213, Douglas, S. H. ; opened to women, 551, Frieze. University of New York, gift to, IV, 18, Loomis, A. L. University of North Carolina, D., 90, Davie, W. R. University of Notre Dame, Ind., V, 607, Sorin. University of the Pacific, the, V, 717. Stratton, C. C. University of Pennsylvania, the, II, 130, De Lancey, W. H. ; 528 ; law department of, V, 483, Sharsirood : gifts to, VI, 433, Welsh, J.; 488, Whitney, A.; 593. Wood, G. B. University of St. Mary's of the Lake, 111., founded, V, 146, Quarter, William. University of San Pedro de Nolasco, Peru, n, 437, Fernan- dez de Cordova. University of the South, the, IV, 604, Otey ; re-established, V, 155, Quintard, Charles T. University of Vermont, gifts to, IV, 217, Marsh, G. P. ; 648, Park, Trenor W. University of Virginia, bequests to, I, 388, Brooks, Lewis ; HI. 422, Jefferson. Unrest, the, first American yacht, I, 295, Block. Upham, Hannah, VI. 212, Upham, T. Upham, John, VI, 212, Upham, T. Upham, Nathaniel, VI, 212, Upham, T. Upham, W. P., II. 666. Glover, John. Upjohn. Richard M., V, 87, Potter, E. T. Upland, Pa., founding of, HI, 499, Keen, G. mills at, V, 137, Pusey. Upsal botanic garden, IV, 147, MacMahon, B. Urdaneta, Martin. VI, 217. Urdaneta, F. Ure, Andrew, II, 364. Urethrometer, inventor of the, IV, 605, Otis, F. N. Urica, battle of, I, 333, Boves. Urim and Thummim, V, 575, Smith, Joseph. Uroskiuneria, geuus of, named, V, 545, Skinner, G. U. Urquiza, Gen., IV. 23, Lopez y Planes. Urre, Felipe de, IV, 29, Losada ; 460, MuAoz de Collantes. Ursulines, the, I, 591, Chatfield ; in Quebec and Montreal, III, 616, La Peltrie : 714, L' Incarnation ; destruction of convent in Charlestown, IV, 61, Lyman, T: in Texas, 557, Odin ; convent of, in New Orleans, VI, 154, Tranche- pain. Uruaga, Gen., IV. 339, Miramon. Uruguay, cession of, I, 107, Artigas ; independence of, II, 206, Dorrego ; insurrections in, 486, Flores, V. ; coloniza- tion of, 515, Foucher ; Indian colonies in, 676, Gonzalez de Santa Cruz ; made independent of Spain, III. 186 ; revo- lutions in, 186 ; Portuguese occupation, annexation to Brazil, independence, 186, Herrera, N. ; 634, Lavalleja ; 653, Lecor ; Jesuit domination in, IV, 335, Mimeure ; in- dependence of, 698, Pedro I. ; Portuguese invasion, inde- pendence, rebellion in, names of towns in, V, 266, Rivera ; war in, 316, Rondeau ; invasion of, 321, Rosas ; VI, 218, Urquiza ; 681, Garibaldi. Uruguayana, surrender of Paraguayan army at, IV, 699, Pedro II. Uruguay river, explored, II, 591, Garcia. D. Urville, Dumont d III. 616, La Perouse. Ushant, naval battle near, III, 280, Howe, R. Usher, Noble L., II. 225, Drake, S. Usseling, John, IV, 531, Nores ; VI, 517, Willekens. Utah expedition, II, 29, Cumming, Alfred. Utah territory, established, violence in, VI, 645. 646 ; re- volt in, III, 455 ; R. C. institutions in, V, 413, Scanlan. Utatlan, city of, destroyed, I, 603, Chignavitcelut. Utes. the Uncompahgre, IV, 610, Ouray. Utica, treaty made on the site of, I, 385, Brooks, D. ; Steu- ben house near, illustration. V, 670. Uzquiza, President, IV, 625, Page, T. J. Vaca, Cabeza de. I, 745. Vaccai, II. 365, Errani. Vaccination, introduced into America, I, 111, Aspinwall, W.; V, 446, Seaman, V.; VI, 295, ViUans; 886, Water- Mouse ; in Spanish colonies, III, 153, Balrnes ; 369, Iturri- ga ray : public, 231, Holbrook, Amos ; animal, IV, 230, Martin, H. A. Vail, Alfred, IV. 426. Vail. Dr. Arnold. VI. 221, Vail. W. B. Vail, John C, VI. 221, Vail, W. B. Vail, Robert, VI. 221, Vail. W. B. Valcoulon, Savary de, II. 577, Gallatin. Valcour bay, battle of, VI, 886, Waterbury, D. Valcour island, battle near, I, 94. Valdea, Alejandro, II, 584. Galvez, M. Valdivia, capture of, I, 495, Calafquin ; 694, Colocolo ; II, 26, Cuillamachu ; 861 ; III, 299, Huelen. Valence, James, II, 615. Valence, Mary, II, 615, Gates, H. Valencia, battle of. IV, 840, Miranda, F. Valencia, Gen., V, 394, Santa-Anna. Valenciennes, Prof., I, 35,