Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/842

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  • 210, Underwood. J. C. : railroad and telegraph service,

V, 439, Scott, T. A. : National forces in, II, 557, Fry, J. B.; hospital service, I, 187, Barton; II, 183, Dix, D. L.; 651, Gillespie, E. A/.; V, 61, Pomroy ; 97, Powers, E. H. ; 180, Rankin, D. N. : VI, 244, Vanderpoel ; V, 567, Smith, H H; 18, Strisshelm ; 96. Thomson, W. ; 172, Tubman; 172, Tucker, H. H.; 352. Ward, M. L.; 456, Wheelock, J. S.; 485, Whitman, W.; 615, Wormeley, K. P.; 625, Wright, M.; 677, Dame ; correspondence on, VI, 13, Swinton, W. ; feeling concerning, in England, I, 219 ; relations with foreign governments. III, 721 : peace negotiations. 724 ; proposal to unite against the French in Mexico. 724 ; danger of foreign interference, V, 748 ; sympathy of Russia, VI, 41 ; commissioners to Europe, 419. Weed, T.; newspaper records of, 149, Townsend, T. S. ; bill to exclude names of battles of, V, 749. War of the Reform, the, II, 166, Diaz, Porfirio ; 369, Esco- bedo. War of the Revolution. See Revolutionary war. Warren,t Henry, pupil of, V. 639, Spread. Warren, Dr. John, IV, 665, Parsons, U. Warren, Dr. Joseph, III, 147, Hayward, L. Warren, Lavinia, V, 717, Stratton. C. S. Warren, Mercy, original of a character of. in, 691, Leonard, D. ; IV, 607, Otis, J. Warren, Peter, VI, 364, Warren, Joseph. Warren, Ratcliffe, I, 620. Warren, Richard, VI, 363, Warren, I. P. Warren, Samuel R., VI, 367, Warren, S. P. AA'arren, Sarah, III, 415. Warren, Pa., surveyed, II, 327, Ellicott. Warren, R. I., IV, 249. Massasoit. Warren, the, sloop, III, 311. Hull, J. B. Warren association, the, IV, 192. Manning, J. Warren homestead, the, illustration, VI, 365. Warren russet, the, VI. 364. Warren, Joseph. Warrensburgh, N. Y., Ill, 451, Johnson, Sir W. Warren Tavern, battle at. VI, 398, Wayne. AVarrington, pen-name, V, 289, Robinson, W. S. AVarrior parson, the. VI. 107, Thurston, C. M. War-ships, revolution in manufacture of, II, 364. See Ships. War to the death, proclamation of, I, 303, Bolivar. War-trumpet, VI. 58, Teedyuscung. AVarwick, Earl of, II, 431. Fenwick, G. AVarwick, R. I., founded, II, 690, Gorton. AA'arwickite, discovery of, V, 494, Shepard, C. U. Washburn, John and Seth, VI, 369, Washburn, E. Washburn, Joseph. VL 369, Washburn, E. Washburn, Reuel. VI, 371. Washburn, C. C. AA T ashburne observatory, M, 232, Holden, E. S. Washington, Andrew, VI, 373. Washington, Augustine, VI, 373. Washington, Bailey, VI, 384, Washington, W. Washington, Col., I, 406. AVashington. Eliza. V, 636. Spotswood. A. AVashington, Elizabeth, III. 703, Lewis, F. AVashington, George, his birthplace, illustration, VI, 373 ; drawing of the locality, 374 : church at Pohick, 376 ; his headquarters at Newburg, 378 ; his tomb. 381 : his home, 383 ; statue of, 379 ; monument to, 382 ; narrow escape of, II, 433, Ferguson, P.; the hatchet story, VI, 421, Weems ; Mary Phillipse. IV, 418, Morris, M. P. ; publica- tion of strictures on, 603. Oswald, E.; V. 588, Smith, S.; conspiracy to abduct, III, 195, Hickey ; headquarters of, on the Harlem, illustration, 487 : proposal to make him a king, VI, 281, Verplanck, D. C; nis farewell to his offi- cers, in, 566 ; scene of the farewell, illustration, II, 129 ; portraits of, V, 729 ; VI, 382 : collection of portraits, medals, etc., VI, 669, Baker, W. S.; first child named after, V, 153, Quincy, E. S. ; poetical epistle to, VI, 446, Wharton, C. H.; acknowledgment of verses by, 449, Whcatley, P.; his birthday first celebrated, 382 ; made a legal holiday, IV, 608, Otis, E. H. ; his monument, com- pletion of, II," 107, Dawes ; IV, 332-333 ; illustration, 333 ; VI, 382. Washington, Henry A., Ill, 423, Jefferson, T. Washington, John, A r I, 373. AA'ashington, John Augustine, VI, 384, Washington, B. AVashington, Lawrence, II, 402 ; VI. 373. AVashington, AVilliam Augustine, VI, 385, Washington, George Corbin. Washington, AVilliam d"H., An, 385, Washington, L. W. AA'ashington. Conn., school at. A'l. 684. Gunn. AVashington. D. C, surveyed, II. 327, Ellicott, A.; plan for, III, 688, L 1 Enfant : early church in, 632, Laurie, James ; taken by the British. I. 672. Cockburn, G. ; II. 575, Gales, J. ; 382, Evans, Sir G.; Ill, 377 ; burned and sacked. V, 332, Ross ; 545, Skinner. J. S.; VI, 122. Tingey ; fortification of. IV, 196. Mansfield. J. K. F; threatened in 1804, VI. 623, Wright, H. G. ; Early "s advance against, II, 714 ; church at, III, 513, Kendall, A.: scientific societies of, IV. 183. Mallery : view of Smithsonian institution. A 7 , 598 : colored normal school in, IV, 336, Miner, M. ; National library at, V. 634, Spofford, A. R.; gifts to charities of, VI, 248, Van Ness, M. B.; deaf-mute asylum, gift to. III, 513, Kendall. A.; capitol at, illustration, VI, 341, Walter, T. U. ; doors of the capitol at. A 7 , 309, Rogers, Randolph ; designed for the capitol at, IV, 637, Palmer, E. D. ; de- signs of columns in the capitol at. with illustration. III, 627 : Cabin John bridge near. V, 267, Rives, A. L. : statue of Gen. Scott at, illustration. A". AVZ. Washington, Pa., founded, III, 229. Hoge, J. : library at, II. 687, Le Moyne, F. J. Washington, wreck of the brig. VL 158, Trenchard, S. D. AA'ashington and Lee university, I, 45, Alexander, Archi- bald ; IH, 673 ; gift to, I T , 95, McCormick, C. H.; statue of Lee at, illustration. VI, 226. Washington college, I, 4£9, Brown. Matthew. AA T ashington college, Conn. See Trinity college. Washington college, Md., V, 592, Smith, W. Washington college, N. C. founded, H, 188. Doak. AVashington college, Pa., II-, 191. Dod, T. : 329, Elliott. D. AA'ashington college, Tacoma, gifts to, VL. 621, Wright, C. B. AA'ashington college, Tenn., founded, 467, Sevier, J. Washingtonii Vita, curious book, H, 663, 664. Gloss. AA'ashington navy -yard, II, 54. AA'ashington observatory, the, I, 155 ; II, 653, Gilliss ; IV, 502, Aewcomb, S. Washington territory, Episcopal institutions founded in, IV, 621, Paddock. J. A. AVashington Theological repertory, the, A'l, 543, Wil- mer, W. H. Washington Union, the, II, 503, Forney, J. W. Washington university. St. Louis, gifts to, II, 356. Engel- mann, G. : IV, 559, O'Fallon ; Y, 485, Shaw. H. ; A'l, 294, Villard. Washita, battle of the. II. 44 AA 7 ashoe process, the. III, 26, Hague, A. Wasp and Frolic, battle and- capture of the, HI, 465, Jones, Jacob. Wasp, the new, capture of the Reindeer and other vessels by, loss of, I, 287, Blakeley. AA'aste products, utilization of, IV. 647, Paret, T. D AA T atauga, fort at, V, 279, Robertson, J. Watauga colony, V, 466-467, Sevier. Watch-dog of the Treasury, the, A 7 I, 370, Washburne, E. B. AVatches, invention of, II, 625. Gennes. Watchful Fox, the, III, 523, Keokuk. Watchmaker's lathe, patent on a, V, 408, Sawyer, S. AA'aterbury, library founded in, I, 384, Branson, S. AVater-engineering, inventions, II, 406-407, Fanning, J. T.; 700, Graff, F. AVater-faucet, invention of a, VI, 622, Wright, E. AA'ater-gas, invention of process for, IA 7 , 39, Loire, T. S. C. Water-gauge for steam-boilers, invention of a, V, 72, Por- ter, Horace. Waterloo, incident of the battle of, II, 133, De Lancey, W. H. AA 7 aterman, Catherine H.. II. 371, Esling. C. H. Waterman, David, VL 3S7, Waterman, T. G. Waterman, Hannah, I, 94. Water-metres, invention of, HI, 442, Johnson, F. G. AA'ater-power. storage reservoir for. I, 57, Allen, Z. AVaters, Edwin F., I, 649, Clement, C. E. Waters, Col. Philemon, II, 420, Farrow. Water-supply for New York and Brooklyn, project for, H. 407, Fanning ; mode of testing. III, 132, Hayes, A. A. ; system for purifying. III, 336, Hyatt, J. W. Watertown, Mass., settlement of, V, 379, Saltonstall : IA'. 759, Phillips, G. Watertown, N. Y., rv, 38. Low. N. Water-wheel, invention of a. III. 425. Jenckes. J. Water AVitch, the, III, 414, Jeffers ; attack on, demand for reparation. IV, 20, Lopez. Watkinson. AVilliam. VI, 389, Watkinson, D. Watling's island. I, 697. AA'atson, Caroline, V. 130. Prud^homme. Watson, John, VI, 390, Watson, Ebenezer. AVatson, John F., n, 134, Delaplaine. J. Watson, Dr. Joseph, II, 579, Gallaudet, T. H. Watt, James, I, 732, Cooper. T. Watteau, pupil of, VI, 3* , Tassin. Watts, George F., IA 7 , 459. Munn. Watts, Helen R., V, 352, Russell, A. Watts, Margaret C, VL 396, Watts, S. Watts, Mary, III, 453. Johnson, Sir J. Watts, Robert, VL 395, Watts, J. AVatty and Meg, anonymous poem, VI, 545. Wilson, Alex- ander. Wauhatchie, battle of, II. 713 ; VL 202, Tyndale. AVaverley Magazine, the, II. 219. Dow. M. A. AA'averley novels, the, I, 37, Ainslie ; attributed to Mrs. Grant. II, 707. Wawatam. Ill, 170, Henry, A. Waxhaw Creek, engagement at, I, 443, Buford, A. ; A'L 35, Tarleton. Waxhaw settlement, the, III, 878, Jackson, Andrew. Way, Rebecca. VI, 40, Taylor, B. AVayles. John, III, 416. 423. A T aymouth, George. IU. 297. Wayne, Anthony, his house, illustration. A'l. 399. Wayne, Capt. Isaac, IV, 823. Miles, S. : A'L 398. Wayne, A. AA'aynesboro, battle of, II, 44; 290, Early. J. A.; 715; V, 500. Sheridan. Wayside, the. Ill, 128 ; IV, 32, lJ>throp, H. M. We. Us. and Co., play. I. 167. Barnard. C. Weather bureau, work of the, IA', 473. Myer : at Cincin nati, I, 2, Abbe.