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nature's own book

mind, (if it be not entirely lost) is so defaced, that the original lineaments are scarcely definable; and now the lamentation is–O, this dreary world! the pain and sickness flesh is heir to," &c. But tell this to a New Zealander, who has followed simple nature's course—tell him whose only drink is water, of dancing nerves, palpitating heart, and aching heads, of gloomy days and restless nights–and he could as soon solve the most difficult problem in mathematics, as understand you.

Nature has no vocabulary to define this hodge-podge production it is all the unnatural monster of man's own cultivation; it is the false kindness, the foolish pampering, of purblind parents–it is the quackery and avarice of physicians–the vitiated taste of refined society and the profound ignorance of our spiritual leaders of the organic and physical structure–the close connection of mind and matter–that, together, have produced this confused jargon.

Let us go back to first principles, and, while bewailing the curse entailed upon us by our first parents, see how far this curse would have affected us, had we obeyed the original laws of nature. When God placed man in the garden, he said: "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree, yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat:" mark, he did not say, every animal in earth, sea, and air shall be your meat–nor did