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Page:Asenath Nicholson - Nature's Own Book.pdf/7

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As this claims to be "Nature'S Own Book;" and as she always delights in variety, the reader must expect a slice from every loaf; and though some of it may be coarse, yet if it be well masticated, and the stomach in a pure state, it will the easier digest.

The preceding edition was hastily sent out, to answer the demands for receipts. The typographical and grammatical errors, together with bad punctuation, were not carefully corrected in the proof sheets. This edition is enlarged, and errors corrected more carefully.

It is hoped the work will be sufficiently noticed to be criticised, and all its faults condemned, and its valuable principles retained and practised.

The writer makes no pretensions to originality, but has only followed out established rules, drawn from Nature's own unerring laws.