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the non-harmonised, impelled by desire, attached to fruit, are bound. (12)

सर्वकर्माणि मनसा संन्यस्यास्ते सुखं वशी ।

नवद्वारे पुरे देही नैव कुर्वन्न कारयन् ॥ १३ ॥

Mentally renouncing all actions, the sovereign dweller in the body resteth serenely in the nine-gated city,[1] neither acting nor causing to act. (13)

न कर्तृत्वं न कर्माणि लोकस्य सृजति प्रभुः ।

न कर्मफलसंयोगं स्वभावस्तु प्रवर्तते ॥ १४ ॥

The Lord of the world produceth not the idea of agency, nor actions, nor the union together of action and its fruit; nature, however, manifesteth. (14)

नादत्ते कस्यचित्पापं न चैव सुकृतं विभुः ।

अज्ञानेनावृतं ज्ञानं तेन मुह्यन्ति जन्तवः ॥ १५ ॥

The Lord accepteth neither the evil-doing nor

  1. The body, often called the city of the Eternal.