Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/10

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our free institutions, has been productive of the most glorious results — as the rapid spread of civilization and Christianity, the general diffusion of light and knowledge, and the wonderful developments and triumphs of science and art, in this our day and generation, clearly demonstrate. Let the work progress — let the little stone cut from the mountain's brow, continue to roll onward, gathering strength with its progress — the result will be the full development of the illimitable powers of the human mind, and a final consummation of all the glorious events contemplated in the redemption of the world.

The question, "Is slavery, as it exists in the United States, justifiable?" is one which, at least, admits of discussion. If it be in harmony with the immutable principles of truth and justice, and not a "crime against humanity," and a libel upon our holy religion, let it be so understood and practised by our honest citizens, whose highest ambition consists in faithfully serving God, and living in obedience to the laws of the country. If not, let the converse be established, and some judicious and practicable system of emancipation and removal provided; and we maintain, without the fear of successful refutation, that a majority of the enlightened slaveholders of the United States, with characteristic promptitude and Christian philanthropy, will liberate their slaves, and contribute to their removal and future support and protection. All that is wanted in the final adjustment of this "vexed question," is light and knowledge — a fair and