Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/245

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religion, or idea of a God, no government, and none of the comforts of civilized life, though occupying a country rich in every natural advantage of the globe. — Smith's Geo., p. 296. Were ever white men so low as this?

On the island called Van Dieman's Land, in the Southern Ocean, lat. 42°, which is adjacent to New Holland, there is, according to Captain Grant's account, a tribe of negroes extremely black and woolly, whose whole formation is frightfully like the ourang-outang, being, as to stature, many of them full six feet high, and powerfully built, who are far stronger than other men of their size, and very ferocious. These negroes eat human flesh as freely as they do any other meat, making no difference, one way or another, in the light of its being better or worse than the flesh of other creatures. They sleep in the open air, although the country is far from being hot, as it is in lat. 42° south, and full as cold as is the climate of New York, in both winter and summer; and yet they sleep in the open air on the ground, and in the trees, like the wild tenants of the heavens and the earth, huddling in caves and holes in the winter, as well as they can.

The negroes of the Norfolk, or New Hebrides Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, make use of human flesh and count it as a great luxury — a banquet of the highest order. — Malte-Brun, p. 620. In the island Mallicola, in the Indian Ocean, according to the above author, is a race or tribe of negroes, who, it is said, may almost be regarded as a kind of apes or baboons; as they have long flat noses, narrow fore-