Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/30

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Who was his father? Did he spring from Adam, or some other race? Can it be, that from one and the same source, the white, black and red portions of mankind proceeded, with all the hues and shades of complexion which mark the human race? If so, is it not exceedingly mysterious that there is not now, nor never has been, the occurrence of a variety so marked and distinctive, as is black, white and red, proceeding from the same parents naturally? Surely, if nature, in the beginning, or in the first ages, produced from the same origin different races of men, as to their complexions and physical constitutions, she ought to produce the same, in these later ages, in order to be consistent with herself in this particular, as she is known to be in all others. These are questions the first to arise, whenever this subject is referred to, by the inquisitive and the lovers of knowledge.

But as we pass in the prosecution of the work, we hope to answer the above queries, and show the reader the true origin of the negro race, as well as that of the others, the white and red — there having been, in reality, but these three on the earth, as the yellow and the brown, with all the other shades, are but derived from an amalgamation of the three others, which were prior and radical, as we shall show in due order.

On this subject, nature, or rather God in nature, has instructed us, that without the intervention of Divine power, there could, and never would have been, but one general complexion of the people of the globe, and that one complexion would have been