Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/423

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deleterious and corrupting to the sacred descent of Jesus Christ, to have been connected with the blood of negroes out of Canaan, as within that country.

But in the whole book of God, there is no command either direct or implied, against Jewish marriages, whether before or after the giving of the law of Moses, with the race of Japheth, the progenitor of the white race of mankind. And although Jesus Christ is the proffered Savior of all the human race, blacks and all, yet was it abhorrent to God, as we believe, that the immaculate blood of his Son, which was to be offered as an atonement, should he contaminated by that of negro extraction.

It is a remarkable fact, which, in connection with the above, cannot fail to make due impression on the reader's mind, that persons who had flat noses could not be a priest of the sanctuary of the Mosaic worship; see Leviticus xxi, 18. This regulation was, doubtless, to guard the blood of the priesthood from any contamination of the race of Ham, as a prominent feature of that people, is a flat nose. There was never a king nor prophet of the Jews who had negro blood in his veins; and yet there were multitudes of the Jews, as well as the Israelites, who were thus tinctured by unlawful connections with the Canaanites, which was against the law of Moses, as well as the law of nature.

It is a singular fact, that all the first labors of the apostles, after the resurrection of Christ, were directed northward from Jerusalem, among the whites, and not southward in Africa. To the north, in Italy, was the place of the throne of the Roman empire; to the