Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/437

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and unnatural war upon southern interests and institutions shall cease, we believe that the natural goodness of heart, the wisdom, philanthropy and Christianity of the people of the slave states, will lead them either to devise a plan for the complete removal of slavery, in harmony with the interests and feelings of both master and slave, or so ameliorate the physical, moral and intellectual condition of the slaves, that their separation from their masters would, like that of Hagar from Abraham, partake more of cruelty and persecution, than of kindness and Christian charity.

Many are bold to affirm, that they would rather dissever the Union than fail in their warfare against slavery. But were this to be accomplished (an event which we pray the Lord may never happen), slavery, if affected at all by it, would but be perpetuated. The condition of the slave, if changed at all thereby, would be for the worse. The North would open her arms with still greater boldness to those who could make their escape from their masters, and the result would be, a curtailing of the usual liberties of the slave and the adoption of a system of servitude far more rigid and severe. This the operations of that party have already effected to a very considerable extent, and as they increase in numbers and in the boldness of their attacks, will continue to effect, to an extent that will cause the slave to curse the day that gave birth to abolitionism.

Having now, as we believe, given a true history of the origin of the negro race — of his character, morally and physically — the nature of Noah's curse — its