Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/490

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ment of liberty. Yet have they both received the sanction, and continue to exist, by the appointment of an all-wise and beneficent Providence. There is, probably, not a succession of seasons, of day and night, of sunshine and storm, which we cannot find some portion of the human family ready to denounce as evil: yet were they all ordained in wisdom, and are continued unto us in mercy. The world in which we live has much of evil in it, and, as rational beings, we often have the power of making a choice of evils. Between the evils of slavery, and any of the evil systems of abolition and emancipation which have ever yet been submitted to the American people, we fancy we discover a marked difference — that of slavery being an evil of much less magnitude — attended with fewer unhappy

    the slavery question, makes the following remarks, replete with the good sense he always exhibits: —

    "If slavery was an evil, which he did not admit, it was not to be increased by diffusing it. The evil would be increased by confining it within narrow bounds.

    "But so far from considering slavery an evil, as even some southern men did, he deemed it a very useful institution. It was not to be believed that we were wiser than those who had gone before us. Had slavery in the United States rendered any African less happy than he would be if free? Slavery was the only step in progress ever made by Africa. There had been advancements everywhere on the globe except in Africa. Slavery in America was the only thing that had ever benefitted unfortunate Africa.

    "But these slaves, so much sympathized with, were happy and comfortable in their condition. They were the gayest, most happy, best fed, and best clothed laboring population in the whole world. They were, in fact, a much happier people than their masters. They had no care for the future, and their labors were light and cheerfully performed."