Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/94

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as nature, without the intervention of a miracle, does not leap out of her courses in any of God's works.

But as in the race of the white man, there are found black eyed and black headed individuals, with what is called a dark complexion, even in white families, we believe that this is the result of the blood of Japheth's wife, who was copper colored, being mixed with his, who was a blue eyed white man. The same is the effect now, when the whites mix with the Indians: or the Arabs, Hindoos, or the people of the East Indies, some of the offspring have fair and white complexions, with light blue eyes and auburn hair, as well as often white, and even red hair, while others are much darker, with jet colored hair, and eyes of the same description. In process of time, the influence of the male blood of the white man will run out entirely the influence of the female blood as to complexion, if no further mixing takes place, there remaining no trace of it, except in the hair and the eyes, which is known to be true.

The same rule operates in the case of the negro man when his blood is mixed with Indian blood, the power of the male overcomes and runs out the female, in relation to her color, causing the offspring to become thoroughly negro, if there is no further mixing as to complexion, while the hair and contour of the face will continue to be in imitation of the mother in many instances, but in many more it will be like the father; this is also known to be true.

This, in our opinion, was the way the marriage of Ham with the antediluvian girl operated, and thus in the first ages, and as is now the case, there was