Father In those men, who were designated by the same name, we recognise so many types of Christ our Lord, by whom these blessings were accumulated on the human race. All other names, which were predicted to be given by divine appointment to the Son of God, are to be referred to this one name Jesus, [1] for whilst they partially glanced at the salvation which he was to purchase for us, this fully embraced the universal salvation of the human race.
"CHRIST"] To the name "Jesus" is also added that of "Christ," which signifies the "anointed;" a name expressive of honour and office, and not peculiar to one thing only, but common Jesus. to many; for, in the old law priests and kings, whom God, on account of the dignity of their office, commanded to be anointed, were called Christs; [2] Priests, because they commend the people to God by unceasing prayer, offer sacrifice to him and deprecate his wrath. Kings, because they are entrusted with the government of the people, and to them principally belong the authority of the law, the protection of innocence, and the punishment of guilt. As, therefore, both seem to represent the majesty of God on earth, those who were appointed to the royal or sacerdotal office, were anointed with oil. [3] Prophets also were usually anointed, who, as the interpreters and ambassadors of the immortal God, unfolded to us the secrets of heaven, and by salutary precepts, and the prediction of future events, exhorted to amendment of life. When Jesus Christ our Saviour came into the world, he assumed these three characters of Prophet, Priest, and King, and is, therefore, called " Christ," having been anoint ed for the discharge of these functions, not by mortal hand, or with earthly ointment, but by the power of his heavenly Father, and with a spiritual oil; for the plenitude of the Holy Spirit, and a more copious effusion of all gifts, than any created being is capable of receiving, were poured into his soul. This the prophet clearly indicates, when he addresses the Redeemer in these words. " Thou hast loved justice, and hatest iniquity . therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness before thy fellows." [4] The same is also more explicitly declared by the prophet Isaiah: "The Spirit of the Lord," says he," is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me; he hath sent me to preach to the meek." [5] Jesus Christ, therefore, was the great prophet and teacher, [6] from whom we have learned the will of God, and by whom the world has been taught the knowledge of the Father; and the name of Prophet belongs to him pre-eminently, because all others who were dignified with that name were his disciples, sent principally to announce the coming of that Prophet who was to save all men. Christ was also a Priest, not, indeed of the tribe of Levi, as were the priests of the old law, but of that of which the prophet David sang: