plays: Crutch and Tooth-pick, Mother-in-Law, The Lights o' London, Harbour Lights, etc.
Sinclair, Miss May.—Novelist, etc. Nakietas and other Poems, Audrey Craven, Two Sides of a Question, The Divine Fire, The Helpmate, The Judgment of Eve, etc.
Skeat, Rev. Walter William, Litt.D., LL.D. (1835).—Philologist and Early English scholar; has ed. Langland's Piers Plowman, The Lay of Havelock, Barbour's Bruce, and other early English texts, a complete ed. of Chaucer, 6 vols. (1894), and of many of his works separately, and is author of An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, Principles of English Etymology, and books on the place-names of the counties of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Herts, and Bedford, etc.
Smeaton, Wm. Henry Oliphant, M.A. (1856).—Novelist, etc. By Adverse Winds (1895), Our Laddie (1897), William Dunbar and his Times (1898), Treasure Cave of the Blue Mountains (1899), A Mystery of the Pacific (1899), English Satires and Satirists (Warwick Library, 1899), The Medici and the Italian Renaissance (1901), and has ed. numerous English classics.
Smith, Mrs. Burnett ("Annie S. Swan").—Novelist. Aldersyde, Carlowrie, A Lost Ideal, A Divided House, Not Yet (1898), etc.
Smith, George Adam, D.D., LL.D. (1856).—Biblical scholar, etc. The Book of Isaiah (1888-90), Historical Geography of the Holy Land (1894), Jerusalem (1907), etc.
Smith, George Gregory (1865).—Critic, etc. The Days of James IV., The Transition Period (of European literature of the fifteenth century), Specimens of Middle Scots (1902), Elizabethan Critical Essays (1904), etc.
Smith, Goldwin, D.C.L. (1823).—Essayist and writer on politics, etc. Three English Statesmen, Lectures on the Study of History, Rational Religion and Rationalistic Objections, The Political Destiny of Canada, Guesses at the Riddle of Existence, Revolution or Progress, etc.; books on Cowper, Miss Austen, etc.
Smith, Mrs. Toulmin (see "L. T. Meade").
Stacpoole, H. de Vere.—Novelist. Fanny Lambert, The Crimson Azaleas, The Blue Lagoon (1907), Patsy (1908), The Pools of Silence (1909), etc.
Stannard, Mrs. Arthur ("John Strange Winter") (1856).—Novelist. Bootle's Baby, Army Society, Beautiful Jim, The Soul of the Bishop, Grip, He went for a Soldier, The Truth—tellers, A Name to Conjure With, A Blaze of Glory, Marty, Jimmy, The Ivory Box (1909), etc.
Steel, Mrs. Flora Annie (Webster) (1847).—Novelist. Wide-awake Stories (1884), From the Five Rivers (1893), The Potter's