viscero-branchial vessel, which runs forward along the dorsal edge
of the branchial sac externally to the dorsal lamina and joins the
dorsal ends of all the transverse vessels of the branchial sac. Besides
these three chief systems, there are numerous lacunae in all parts
of the body, by means of which anastomoses are established between
the different currents of blood. All these blood spaces and lacunae
are to be regarded as derived from the blastocoele of the embryo,
and not, as has been usually supposed, from the coelom (30). When
Course of Circulation.
the heart contracts ventro-dorsally the course of the
circulation is as follows: the blood which is flowing
through the vessels of the branchial sac is collected in
an oxygenated condition in the branchio-cardiac vessel, and, after
receiving a stream of blood from the test, enters the heart (ht).
It is then propelled from the dorsal end of the heart into the
cardio-visceral vessels, and so reaches the test and digestive and
other organs; then, after circulating in the visceral lacunae, it passes
into the branchio-visceral vessel in an impure condition, and is
distributed to the branchial vessels (fig. 11, da) to be purified again.
When the heart on the other hand contracts dorso-ventrally, this
course of the circulation is reversed. As the test receives a branch
from each end of the heart, it follows that it has afferent and efferent
vessels whichever way the blood is flowing. In some Ascidians the
vessels in the test become very numerous and their end branches
terminate in swollen bulbs close under the outer surface of the test.
In this way an accessory respirator organ is probably formed in
the superficial layer of the test. The blood corpuscles are chiefly
colourless and amoeboid; but in most if not all Ascidians there are
also some pigmented corpuscles in the blood. These are generally
of an orange or reddish brown tint, but may be opaque white, dark
indigo-blue, or even of other colours. Precisely similarly pigmented
cells are found throughout the connective tissue of the mantle and
other parts of the body.
A. mentula is hermaphrodite, and the reproductive organs lie, with the alimentary canal, on the left side of the body. The ovary Reproductive Organs. is a ramified gland which occupies the greater part of the intestinal loop (see fig. 5). It contains a cavity which, along with the cavities of the testis, is derived from a part of the original coelom, and the ova are formed from its walls and fall when mature into the cavity. The oviduct is continuous with the cavity of the ovary and leads forwards alongside the rectum. finally opening near the anus into the peribranchial cavity. The testis is composed of a great number of delicate branched tubules, which ramify over the ovary and the adjacent parts of the intestinal wall. Those tubules terminate in ovate swellings. Near the commencement of the rectum the larger tubules unite to form the vas deferens, a tube of considerable size, which runs forwards alongside the rectum, and, like the oviduct, terminates by opening into the peribranchial cavity close to the anus. The lumen of the tubules of the testis, like the cavity of the ovary, is a part of the original coelom, and the spermatozoa are formed from the cells lining the wall. In some Ascidians reproductive organs are present on both sides of the body, and in others (Polycarpa) there are many complete sets of both male and female systems, attached to the inner surface of the mantle on both sides of the body and projecting into the peribranchial cavity.[1]
Embryology[2] and Life-History
We owe to W. E. Castle (1896) the most complete account which has yet been given of the early stages of development in an Ascidian. His careful study of the cell lineage in Ciona has made it clear that some of the conflicting statements of his predecessors arose from incorrect orientation of the embryos. One of the most important of his conclusions is that the mesoderm of Ascidians, and probably that of the archaic Vertebrates, is derived from both primary layers, ectoderm and endoderm. Further, he finds that Ciona produces both ova and spermatozoa at the same time, but self-fertilization very rarely occurs. The eggs are laid just before dawn, and the larva is hatched during the following night. The test cells adhering to the young homogeneous test have, it is now well known, no connexion with the cells found later in the adult test. The larvae are free-swimming for from one to several days. They avoid the light. The spermatozoon enters at the ventral hemisphere, and that point determines the median plane and the posterior end of the embryo. The ventral is the animal pole. The cleavage is from the beginning bilateral. The first cleavage plane is vertical, and separates the right and left halves of the embryo. The four smaller dorsal cells with yolk give rise to the endodermal hemisphere; the four larger, more protoplasmic, cells form the ventral ectodermal hemisphere. The cells of the latter hemisphere divide more rapidly, and form the future aboral surface. When the dorsal hemisphere has twenty-two cells the ventral has fifty-four. The gastrulation is a combination of epiboly and invagination. The ventral ectoderm grows over, so as to envelop the dorsal hemisphere, while the latter sinks down and becomes saucer-shaped. In the centre of the dorsal surface ten cells form the future endoderm. Round these comes a ring of cells, the chordamesenchyme ring, from which the notochord and mesenchyme arise. Outside this ring is a row of cells, the neuro-muscular ring. The more anterior of these cells form the medullary plate, the more posterior the longitudinal musculature of the larva. The remainder of the cells (in the 112-cell stage) form ectoderm. By growth at the anterior end the blastopore gets pushed posteriorly, and the anterior chorda cells are covered up, and come to lie in the dorsal wall of the archenteron, sixteen cells in two rows, one over the other. The blastopore closes in the posterior part of the dorsal surface. In front of it is the medullary plate, with a continuation backwards at the sides of the blastopore. This region forms the trunk of the larva, the part posterior to it being drawn out to form the tail. The chorda cells pass back into the tail, while the mesenchyme cells shift forwards into the trunk. The muscle cells, derived from the neuro-muscular ring, lie behind the blastopore, and form the muscles of the tail. The closure of the medullary canal takes place from the blastopore forwards, and then the nerve cord is grown over by ectoderm. After closure of the blastopore the mesenchyme cells lie as lateral masses in the trunk; later they become the blood corpuscles and the mantle cells, &c.
Castle also discusses some important theoretical questions. He points out that, in Ciona at least, the chorda-mesenchyme ring takes part along with endoderm in the primary invagination, and so belongs to the primary endoderm; while the rest of the mesoderm, the muscle cells of the neuro muscular ring, are carried in by a secondary invagination, and belong to the outer layer-of the young gastrula, or primary ectoderm. He considers that the chorda must be regarded as a mesodermal organ. He agrees with former observers in seeing no trace of enterocoele formation, and he doubts whether any Chordata are Enterocoela. He does not believe in distinguishing those Metazoa with a mesoderm from those with a “mesenchyme.” He considers that embryology gives no support to the Annelid hypothesis as to the origin of Chordates.
A long-continued discussion as to the origin, nature and fate of certain cells, the “testa-zellen,” which make their appearance between the young embryo and its follicle (fig. 12), has ended in practical agreement that these small cells are derived from the follicle-cells, and have nothing to do with the test. In Salpa, however, certain follicle-cells enter the embryo, and perform important functions in guiding the development for a time.
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(After Pizon.) |
Fig. 12.—Portion of Mature Ovum of Ascidian, showing F, follicle, and f, r, “test-cells.” |
In most Ascidians the eggs are fertilized in the peribranchial cavity, and undergo most of their development before leaving the Embryology. parent; in some cases, however, the eggs are laid, and fertilization takes place in the surrounding water. The segmentation is complete and regular (fig. 13, A) and results in the formation of a spherical blastula, which then undergoes invagination (fig. 13, B). The embryo elongates, and the blastopore or invagination opening comes to be placed on the dorsal edge near the posterior end (fig. 15, C). The hypoblast cells lining the archenteron are columnar in form, while the epiblast cells are more cubical (fig. 13, B, C, D). The dorsal surface of the embryo now becomes flattened and then depressed to form a longitudinal groove, extending forwards from the blastopore to near the front of the body, This “medullary groove” now becomes converted into a closed