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XXX (243) XXX

24$ Part IV. A N A T O M Y. Afterwards the vena epigaftrica runs upward, and joins rius, following the direclion of that mufcle almoft all the way to the infide of the thigh. the ramifications of the mammaria. Before the iliac vein gets from under the ligamentum This branch having afterwards got beyond the conFallopii, it fends feveral fmall rami to the neighbouring dyles of the os femoris, runs down between the intelymphatic glands ; and immediately afterwards, lofing guments and inner angle of the tibia, to the fore-part of the inner ankle, and is diftributed to the foot. All the name of iliaca, it takes that of cruralis. The hypegaftric, or internal iliac vein, runs behind this large branch is named vena fapbena, or faphena the iliac artery, from which the following branches go major. After the origin of the faphena, as the trunk of the out. From the pofterior or convex part of the arch, it gives crural veins runs down, it finks in between the mufcles, and is diftributed to all the inner or deep parts of the a branch to the fuperior lateral part of the os facrum, lower extremity, accompanying the crural artery to the which is diftributed to the mufculus facer, or tranverfofpinalis lumborum, and other mufcles thereabouts, and very extremity of the foot. the faphena is a vein of very large extent, we to the cavity of the bone, which it enters through the ft)allAshere defcribe it altogether, and afterwards return firft great hole. A little lower, on the fame fide, it fends out another, to the vena cruralis. which is diftributed much in the fame manner with the The vena faphena, in its paffage from the inguen to the foot, is covered only by the Ikin and fat. Immediformer, and enters the fecond hole. From the external lateral part of die fame arch, a ately after its rife, it gives fmall veins to the inferior inlittle anteriorly, it fends out a large branch, which runs guinal glands; and then it gives out others more anteribehind the great fciatic finus, and is diftributed to the muf- orly, which, running under the integuments, commuculi glutsei, pyriformis, and gemelli. nicate with each other by numerous areoke. Lower down, the fame lateral part of the hypogaftric The faphena, having run down on the thigh, as low vein gives out another large branch, called obturatrix •, as the middle of the fartorius, fends off to the fame fide which, having run a little way, detaches feveral rami, feveral branches, which communicate with each other, and afterwards reaching the foramen ovale of the os in- and with the fuperior branches. nominatum, perforates the obturator mufcles, communi- Between thefe upper and lower branches, the faphena cates with the vena cruralis, and is diftributed* to the fends backward a particular branch; w hich, after being mufculus pedlineus, triceps, and neighbouring parts. diftributed to the integuments which cover the gracilis Among the branches fent off by the vena obturatrix, internus and triceps, turns backward; and a little below before it perforates the mufcles, one is fituated exterior- the ham, runs in among the mufcles fituated there, and ly, which runs toward the fciatic finus, to the mufculus communicates with another branch, which may tc termiliacus, the fuperior part of the obturator internus, and ed faphena minor. to the os ilium. Afterwards the trunk of the great faphena runs downs Interiorly, the fame obturator vein fends off another on the infide of the tibia, lying always near the fkin; branch, which is diftributed to the ureters, bladder, and and at the upper part of that bone it fends branches foreinternal parts of generation in both fexes. ward, outward, and backward. Laftly, the hypogaftric vein runs backward, and goes The anterior branches go to the integuments on the out of the pelvis, above the ligament which lies between upper part of the leg; the pofterior, to thofe which cothe inferior lateral part of the os facrum and fpine of ver the gaftrocnemii, and communicate with the little the ifchium. ^ faphena; and the external branches are likew'ife diftribuIt next fends, a large branch upward to the lower part ted to the fat and integuments, and having reached as of the os facrum, and two or more downward ; which, low as the middle of the tibia, it fends a communicating running behind the fame ligament, are diftributed to the branch to the trunk of the great laphena. buttocks, anus, neighbouring portion of the mufculus From this communication, a branch goes out anterior* peftineus, and to the external parts of generation. ly, which runs along the integuments of the tibia all the The veins that go to the anus, are termed hamcrrhoi- way to the outer ankle. dales externa; they that go to the parts of generation, As the faphena runs down on the infide of the tibia, pudica interna. The external, hasmorrhoidales commu- it fends out a branch near the middle of that bone, nicate with the internal veins of the fame name, which which runs up behind the tendons of the fartorious, gracome from the fmall vena mefaraica. cilis internus, and femi-nervofus, then between the tibia The crural vein goes out under the ligamentum Fal- and upper end of the foleus, and is joined by an anaftolopii, on the infide of the-crural artery, and immediate- mofis with the crural vein. ly gives fmall branches to the inguinal glands, the muf- At the lower part of the tibia, the faphena produces, culus peflineus, and parts of generation. Thefe laft are a confiderable which runs obliquely forward 0termed pudtea externa, and evidently communicate with ver the joint ofbranch, the tarfus toward the cuter ankle, fendthe internal veins of the fame name. ing off feveral rami which communicate with each other, About an inch below, where it leaves the abdomen, with the trunk of the faphena. the crural vein produces a large branch, which runs andThe extremity of this trunk paffes on the forefide of down anteriorly between the integuments and the farto- the inner ankle, and runs irregulaily under the Ikin, a-