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Physical Writers call SECOND QUALITIES, and which yet, as they may be produced and destroyed by the Chymists Art, may be stiled Chymical Qualities, and the Spagyrical ways of introducing or expelling them may be referr'd to Chymical Operations, of which there is given a more ample Specimen in the Mechanical account of Chymical Precipitations. And lastly, some Notes are added about Magnetism and Electricity, which are known to belong to the Tribe of Occult Qualities.
IV. If a want of apt Coherence and exact Method be discover'd in the following Essays, 'tis hop'd, that defect will be easily excus'd by those that remember and consider, that these Papers were originally little better than a kind of Rapsody of Experiments, Thoughts, and Observations, occasionally thrown together by way of Annotations upon some Passages of a Discourse, (about the differing Parts and Redintegration of Nitre) wherein some things were pointed at relating to the particular Qualities that are here more largely treated of. And though the Particulars that concern some of these Qualities, were afterwards (to supply the place of those borrow'd by other Papers whilst these lay by me) increas'd in number; yet it was not to be expected, thattheir