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Wheels, and those differingly scituated and connected; but for all this variety 'twill still be but an Engine. I intend not therefore by proposing the Theories and Conjectures ventur'd at in the following Papers, to debar my self of the Liberty either of altering them, or of substituting others in their places, in case a further progress in the History of Qualities shall suggest better Hypotheses or Explications. And 'twas but agreeable to this Intention of mine, that I should, as I have done, on divers occasions in the following Notes, imploy the word Or, and express my self somewhat doubtingly, mentioning more than one Cause of a Phænomenon, or Reason of an opinion, without dogmatically declaring for either; since my purpose in these Notes was rather to shew, it was not necessary to betake our selves to the Scholastick or Chymical Doctrine about Qualities, than to act the Umpire between the differing Hypotheses of the Corpuscularians; and, provided I kept my self within the bounds of Mechanical Philosophy, my design allowed me a great latitude in making explications of the Phænomena, I had occasion to take notice of.