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ring the Mixture, turn'd that externally adhering water into real Ice, (that was scrap'd off with a knife) in less than a minute of an hour. And this thus generated Cold continued considerably intense, whilst the action of dissolution lasted; but afterwards by degrees abated, and within a very few hours ceas'd. The particular Phænomena I have noted in the Experiment, and the practical uses that may be made of it I reserve for another place ** Divers of the Phænomena, &c. of this Experiment were afterwards printed Numb. 15 of the Ph. Transact., the knowledge of them being not necessary in this, where what I have already related, may suffice for my present Argument.

And to shew, that not onely a far more intense degree of Cold may emerge in this Mixture, than was to be found in either of the Ingredients before they were mingled, but a considerable Coldness may be begun to be produc'd between Bodies that were neither of them actually Coldbefore