manifestly, though not nimbly, ascend; I took out the Thermoscope, and laid it in powder'd Sal Armoniac, warm'd beforehand; so that the tincted Liquor was made to ascend much nimblier by the Salt than just before by the Water; and having presently remov'd the Instrument into that Liquor again, and poured the somewhat warm Sal Armoniac into the same, I found, as I imagin'd, that within a space of time which I guess'd to be about half a minute or less, the Spirit of Wine began hastily to subside, and within a few minutes fell above a whole division and a quarter below the mark at which it stood in the water, before that Liquor or the Salt were warm'd. Nor did the Spirit in a great while reascend to the height which it had when the water was cold.
The same Experiment, being at another time reiterated, was tried with the like success; which second may therefore serve for a Confirmation of the first.]