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with the volatile salt; and this descent of the tincted liquor in the Instrument being measur'd, appear'd to be about an inch (for it manifestly exceeded seven eighths.) By comparing this Experiment with the first part of the foregoing, we may gather, that when Volatile and Urinous Salts or Spirits (for the saline particles appear sometimes in a dry and sometimes in a liquid form) tumultuate upon their being mixt with Acids, neither the Heat nor the Cold that ensues is produc'd by a Conflict with the Acids precisely as it is Acid, since we have seen that an urinous spirit produc'd an actual Heat with spirit of Salt, and the distill'd Salt of Sal Armoniac, which is also Urinous, with the acid spirit of Roch-Allom produces not a true effervescence, but a manifest Coldness: As the same Salt also did in a Trial of another sort, which was this.