cold body is made up of Corpuscles of such size, shape, &c. that being resolved and disjoined by the Menstruum of the stomach, or the fluids it may elsewhere meet with, they do so associate themselves with the small parts of the blood and other liquors, as, by clogging them or otherwise, to lessen their wonted agitation, and perhaps make them act in a peculiar way as well as less briskly on the nervous and fibrous parts; and the perception of this Imminution (and perhaps change) of motion in the organs of feeling is that, which, being referr'd to the body that produces it, we call its Potential Coldness. Which Quality appears by this account to be, as I was saying before, but a Relative thing, and is wont to require the diffusion or dispersion of the small parts of the Corpuscles of the Agent, and their mingling themselves with the liquors or the small parts of the body they are to refrigerate. And therefore, if it be granted, thatin