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of Electricity

ber whence they were emitted. A third Hypotheſis there is, which was deviſed by the Acute Carteſius, who diſlikes the Explications of others, chiefly becauſe he thinks them not applicable to Glaſs, which he ſuppoſes unfit to ſend forth Effluvia, and which is yet an Electrical body; and therefore attempts to account for Electrical Attractions by the intervention of certain particles, ſhap'd almoſt like ſmall pieces of Ribbond, which he ſuppoſes to be form'd of this ſubtile matter harbour'd in the pores or creviſes of Glaſs. But this Hypotheſis, though ingenious in it ſelf, yet depending upon the knowledge of divers of his peculiar Principles, I cannot intelligibly propoſe it in few words, Princip. part 4.
Art. 184.
and therefore ſhall refer you to himſelf for an account of it: which I the leſs ſcruple to do, becauſe though it be not unworthy of the wonted Acuteneſs of the Authour, yet he ſeems himself to doubt, whe-
